Shirtless and Screaming

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"You've got to be kidding me." Niall said as all seven of them stood there in one of the two hotel rooms they could afford.

"We can make two rooms work." Liam said optimistically.

"This place is a dump." Louis chuckled. "I love it. We can trash it and it won't make a difference."

"Or we could not be hooligans?" Liam asked, giving him a look.

"You just aged like thirty years." Louis said.

"Why did you choose this hotel?" Harry couldn't help but ask Zayn.

"I didn't, I put Liam in charge of that." Zayn said, everyone looking at Liam.

"Hear me out, it's cheap, it's walking distance from the festival, and there's a convenient store across the street." Liam said.

"That's where I'll be." Alex said, dropping her bags and walking off.

"Me too, I'm starving." Niall said, following her.

"I just want to say that...I'm fine with sleeping on the floor. I brought a blanket." Evan spoke up from where he stood in the corner.

"Good. I need to sleep on one of the beds, I've got a bad back." Louis lied, jumping onto the bed.

Liam rolled his eyes, looking at Harry and Zayn.

"Go check out the other room, guys. First come first serve so if you see it first you can have the bed." Liam shrugged.

"This trip was my idea, that already secures me a spot on the bed." Zayn scoffed, going across the hall.

Harry followed, making sure to close the door behind them.

"Can I have the spot next to you?" He asked quietly.

Zayn turned and smiled at him. "Duh."

"So isn't this cool?" Zayn asked, sitting on the bed.

"I guess. I don't know yet." Harry admitted.

"It is." Zayn nodded.

Harry sat next to him, his hands pressed together between his thighs.

"Are you okay?" Zayn asked softly, looking at him.

"Yeah just tired." Harry lied, his eyes focused down at his lap.

Zayn reached over and gently tucked a few curls behind Harry's ear, giving him goosebumps.

"You know I bet this hotel has tons of empty rooms. If we need one tonight we could break in." Zayn smiled.

Harry looked at him, smiling some. "Why would we need one, hm?"

"Because you're an affectionate drunk." Zayn chuckled.

"Well maybe I won't care who sees after I'm drunk." Harry said.

"There's a thought." Zayn smiled before kissing him.

"Would you like that?" Harry broke the kiss to ask.

"Like what?"

"You know, if...we kind of came out together. As a couple." Harry said.

"Yeah. I would. I hate hiding. Even if it's an adrenaline rush and kind of hot sometimes." Zayn said softly.

"So if we did that we'd be like...official, right?" Harry asked, starting to realize what he was going to have to do.

Zayn nodded.

Harry bit his lower lip, looking down.

"Is that what you want?" Zayn asked.

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