"I think I love you more now."

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Harry actually finished packing that evening after class, able to rest easy that night knowing he wouldn't feel rushed in the morning.

Not that there really was any rush, he just wanted to get away as soon as possible.

On Friday morning however, Harry was awakened as he felt a few pains in his back.

He was being hit.

Not hard, but certainly enough to be felt.

He sat up and turned to look at Zayn, who was frowning in his sleep.

Harry rubbed his eyes, moving back some to watch Zayn.

His frown seemed to grow before his arm suddenly shot out again.

He hummed, but never actually spoke.

Harry gently grabbed his wrists when he started swinging even more, holding them still.

"Babe, wake up." Harry said, his words almost drowned out by the next noise that came from Zayn.

"Wake up, Zayn." Harry repeated, worried he was having some awful nightmare.

Zayn stirred more than ever, waking with a gasp.

He looked at Harry as his frown faded.

"Are you okay?" Harry asked, letting go of his wrists.

Zayn noticed, sitting up. "Was I...did I hurt you?"

"Not really." Harry shrugged. "What were you dreaming about?"

"What do you mean? Where did I hit you?" Zayn asked, glancing over Harry.

"Nowhere, it's nothing. What were you dreaming about, Zayn?" He asked again.

Zayn frowned some as he stared off into space. "It was the strangest thing, I was fighting Liam."

"Liam?" Harry frowned as well, wondering why Zayn would dream about fighting him.

"Yeah. I remember, I could see him just fine. Don't know what we were fighting about though." Zayn said quietly.

They sat in silence for a bit, Harry's eyes drifting over to Zayn.

"....Well did you win?" He asked with a smile.

Zayn chuckled, running his fingers through his hair before getting out of bed and stretching.

"I guess I did. Someone woke me up." He said, giving Harry a playful glare.

It was hard to view it was playful, considering the fact that Zayn stood there with messy hair, no shirt, and pajama pants that hung so loosely from his hips his boxers were visible.

Harry licked his lips. "Yeah someone was being abused."

Zayn's expression changed. "Did I really hit you?"

"Yeah but it wasn't hard, I'm fine, really. I was kidding." Harry assured him.

"Good. Get ready for class. I want to get this over with so we can hit the road." Zayn said, shuffling towards the door while scratching his side.

"Where are you going?" Harry asked, not ready to leave the bed.

"To the bathroom. Why?" Zayn asked, turning to look at him.

Harry pursed his lips, hoping Zayn would come kiss him.

Instead, Zayn pursed his lips back at him and left.

"Zayn!" Harry called, smiling as he heard Zayn's laughter down the hall.

"Come back!" Harry whined, falling across his bed dramatically.

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