The Brat

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Zayn forced his way back inside the house, telling himself not to get irritated and just find Louis.

It felt like for hours all he did was awkwardly brush against strangers and search for Louis.

The house wasn't that big, Zayn didn't understand why this was so difficult.

"Zayn! What's up?" Someone suddenly yelled, making Zayn turn and frown in their direction.

It was one of Liam's teammates.

"Do I know you?" Zayn asked, thinking to himself that it was a waste of time to even ask that question.

"We've met before, but I'm Ray." He said.

"Okay." Zayn said, squinting towards the kitchen after thinking he saw Louis for second.

"Why didn't Liam show up tonight? He's been acting so off lately."

"He's tired, I guess." Zayn shrugged, looking at Ray now. "Have you seen Louis?"

"Yeah he's on the back porch." Ray nodded.

"Thank you!" Zayn exclaimed, turning to go get Louis.

"Wait," Ray grabbed his arm.

Zayn looked at him, mentally telling himself to remain calm.

"You guys aren't about to leave right? The party just started." Ray said, letting him go now.

"Maybe not Louis, but I am." Zayn said, able to tell Ray was a little drunk.

"Why so soon, dude?" He frowned.

"Harry drank a little too much and fell and hurt himself. I want to take him home." Zayn said, even though it was none of his business.

"Harry is the long haired guy right?" Ray asked.

Zayn nodded.

"That sucks, I liked him. He would dance his ass off after a few drinks." Ray laughed at the memory.

"Believe me, I know." Zayn smiled for the first time since they started talking.

"Alright then, I'll see you around." Ray said with a nod.

Zayn waved a bit, turning and heading for the back porch.

He stepped out to find Louis sitting on the steps kissing some blonde girl.

Zayn paused before he made a face of disgust and cleared his throat. "Louis we need to go."

Louis waved him away, pulling the blonde closer to him.

"Louis Harry hurt himself we have to go. He needs to go home." Zayn insisted.

Louis waved him off again, with much less effort this time.

"Can you at least give me your fucking keys? Before I take them from you?" Zayn asked, getting irritated.

Louis stopped and looked at him, letting the girl go. "Take them from me? Was that a threat?"

"I'm not trying to define things right now I don't have time. Harry's in the car alone right now, I need to take him home." Zayn said.

"Not trying to define things. You're such....such a coward." Louis chuckled, shaking his head and standing up.

He stumbled quite a bit from the alcohol, but he made it.

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