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A year past, nothing happened besides me bringing the woman as a friend over to the wasteland. We became great friends with the occasional hook up, but nothing more as we couldn't even look for a guy here since everyone was really stupid.

Night time was afoot, and watching the stars was the most important thing to pass time as there was very limited technology here. So in general I just don't get to have fun going on missions all Willy Nilly since there was the occasional sandstorm brewing outside. Taking my gloves off, I threw them to the side with a defeated sigh. My body was tired but my mind was running at full compacity, no matter how much I try to sleep I would always stay awake. I had to drop dead to sleep instead, and that was every so often.

Taryn must've heard me come home, she was already ready to party. "Heya', girl." She smiled, it wasn't the best to have her as a roommate but I'd get lonely without someone. "Have you died yet?" She chuckled as I rolled my eyes. "Well it's almost my first year here, what was yours like, Aiden?"

Remembering it, I took myself into a cringe and shuttered since I was basically running around doing chores that a housewife would do. I didn't have a fight with real people, and I didn't know how to deal with the big metal heads. Luckily, I offered skills as delivery and soon got the hang of the Wasteland. Now I'm a normal part of the city and one of the King's most trusted men along beside him.

"I rather not say, but you got the jobs I had." I told her as she was the one that held the title to take care for trainees whenever I or Kelvier wasn't there to do so. Or delivering guns and such on.

"Aiden!" A communicator rang. I looked to it to see Damas on the round orange screen. "I have new recruits coming in," he started, as I sighed heavily, "take care of them in the morning. They seemed knocked out, and will not arise til the sun does." Damas warned me for a job, as I looked to Taryn to see her relieved that it wasn't now. "Take your rest now, if you do not show up; send Taryn or take her with you." He mentioned, before turning off and the communicator went back into my pocket as I tossed my head back.

"No thanks, I wish to stay." Taryn told me, as I rolled my head on my shoulders to face her correctly.

"I wasn't gonna ask, and I'm going." I said, standing up. "I need some rest..."

"You're crashing?" She asked.

"No, I'm just gonna go lay down still with my thoughts til I call under." I shook my head as I was the type of person who is haunted by my thoughts until my body falls asleep. It didn't save me from the nightmares either.

Heroic Sages - Jak and DaxterOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz