Crimson Fate 27 - Bewitched (PG 18 - I have WARN you)

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She twirled her jet black hair as she watch the Neo Vongola drive out from her mansion. Her lips curved into a smile when she recalled on how black the ring had turned out--the goal to kill the head of Vongola is near and she shivered on how thrilling it would be when his betrayed self beg for her mercy when he is dying later.

"Delizia. Report."

"My lady.." Delizia were about to say something but hesitates. "..." She pursed her lips, narrowing her cat eyes when Valerie turn her body to face her slowly. "This is an order." There were grim in her tone. "Delizia..? Did they get to kill that wench?"



"Gone. Vanished. All of them. Not even mere second."

"Didn't I told you to send the best group?"

"Yes..! I did, My Lady. But..!" Delizia grit her teeth. "Not even a minute..! Not 10, not 5 but not even 1..! Before they could penetrate into the mansion, they've vanished..!" She gulped. "It's not an illusion. It's real..!" Delizia stopped impromptu, as there is a change within the aura in the room. "My Lady..!"

"Damn it all.. Damn it all..!! That filthy clan..! She tricked me for being weak..! I hate her..! I hate her..! AAAAHHH I LOATHE HER!!"


Delizia steadied her legs from the shaking room, trying her best to hold back her fear from the ongoing crashed items all over her. "My lady.. there must be a spy among us. But.. I'm very sure it's not the guardians. All of them are here and one of them, the Storm Guardian is the one who drive the car with Vongola Boss."

This angered Valerie more. "Ugh..!!"

"..Patience, my child." Low chuckle can be heard from the corner of the room. "Patience. This clan is basically like that. Huge liar. Filthy. Will do anything to save their sorry self." Delizia studied this elder. Such dark voice, such powerful man that even seeing him from afar enough to tell that he has a menacing aura around him. It's basically just someone that must not be taken lightly.


Rokudo Mukuro swish his flames among the barrier. He smirked to his abilities; his training for all these years has come to fruit. "So you are done with aiding her?" He glances to the cloud guardian from his shoulder. "The 'least' that you want to work with, hm? We are in the same boat after all, Kufufufu.""Just get it done already. I have no time for this."

His smile fades and it turn into a forced ones. "Another 5 minutes, because I've been adding some more shields around the hut's area." He shrugged, "You've done a good job. Now she can search for it herself. This can be the best reward for enduring all of these matters alone." The mist guardian places his hand on the barrier, giving a last assurance that it is strong enough.

Kyoya pat on Roll's head and curl him back into his chest pocket, together with Hibird. "For now she would be able to stand a little bit more, much better than before at least." He enters the portal that Mukuro created. "It's time.""Hmph. Is that all you got to say after all the effort I've made?" Kyoya sigh. "That simple illusion? Boring." Mukuro's eyes twitch this time. "Simple- You..." He enters the portal. "You will regret this." It's Kyoya's turn to smirk this time. "Try me."



You blink. Twice. Adjusting to the light in the room. "This.. is my chamber.." Light gasp escaped your lips as you jolted from the bed. You squeeze your hands, patting your arms and legs; the injuries has gone and you body feel lighter. "It is as if.." Your head turned to the flower vase in the middle of the room. "...." You held out your hand and gulped. Focusing some force on your palm, you squeeze your hand tight in a quick motion.

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