Crimson Fate 25 - Why

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Your amber eyes blink slowly, once, twice, as you adjusted to the warm light in the room.

"...." A sigh escaped your lips, as sleepiness conquer your tired body again. An image of an empty flower garden filled your mind right the moment when your eyes closed.

"..Where.. am I?"

It was nothing but an empty space of flower bed. Flowers, all kinds of flowers are around you, and you were there, standing in the middle of the field. You look around, searching for any doors, windows, clues. Then, all of a sudden, you right leg move by itself. You are walking, and walking, despite not knowing where it may lead to. There was wind, few of it, flying across your face smoothly, together with the petals from the flower bed.

Your movement abruptly stopped. "...?" You lift up your head, and now you are in front of a small hut that just appear out of nowhere. It was very small, kind of old, yet it looks beautiful because it was decorated with vines of flowers all over it. Decorated? But to you the way the vines curl itself all over the wood it is as if it was protecting something.

'Protecting something? Protect? Why do I feel that way?'

"And why do I.."

'Feel as if something is important inside?'


With trembling hands, you are about to open its door when-


You are fully awoke this time.


You clench your chest.



And your other hand tug on the side of your head.

'It is very blurry.. what kind of dream is that?'

Flower bed.

Empty space.

Nothing but flowers.

And then..

And then...?

'Why do I stopped back then..?'

What for?

Another sigh escaped your lips again, deciding that it was no use to recall when it gives nothing in return.




The room is silent.

'He must have gone for another mission-...!'

You give a silent yelp when you realize the room is not empty at all. Tsuna is there, sitting on the chair next to the sofa you are lying on, staring at you with his deep, bored eyes.



"You've been having a nightmare and now you are wide awake just to have a staring game with me?" He break the ample silence.

"N-No..! It's not that I-" Your blush reddened when you stutter, and to add more to that, he smirks. 'But wait..'


Tsuna crossed his legs.

"Here." He points to the middle of your forehead. "You've been frowning, mumbling, and shivers a lot."

"I-I see.."

"What have you been dreaming about?"


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