Crimson Fate 26 - You Are Mean

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Flowers by flowers.

Trees by trees.

Branches by branches, and field, by field.

Your pace quicken to follow Kyoya's steps as his figure starts to fade away every time you could catch up to him. He knew you followed him or not; you can't put your thoughts into it now. The way he looked at you, the way he talk to you...


That's the only word you could think of now.

He is there when the Guardian were possessed. But then why? You are afraid to put on hope, to believe that he is different than the others. That he is not Kyoya that you don't know, but someone that you know VERY WELL.

You huffed, leaning on a nearby tree. You lose the sight of Kyoya, wincing from the pain in your swollen eyes. I must stop being a crybaby, you thought. Because you do nothing but to grieve on your destiny.

'Anata... everyone...' You lowered your tired lids. "..Orihime.."


You gasped.

Your glances to left and right, your heart beats faster to every second. "It couldn't be..."

'...Am I becoming crazy now?'

You tug on your chest tightly. 'I guess I am..' You smile sadly to yourself.

'To hear a sound of baby crying in this wide mansion just.. impossible.'


"...!!! Explosion?"

As you were about to return back to your chamber, the ground crumbled.


"...." Valerie's black orbs widened to the finger on her lips. Her surprised face can be read, yet she covered it with a smile, and a giggle. "My, I don't know you are into this kind of play." Before she could lick Tsuna's finger, he pulled away while pushing her off his body gently.

Valerie raised her eyebrows. "My love? What's the matter?" She glances to the miasma in his ring and look up again, pretending she is still innocent. "My.." She gasp softly. "I'm sorry, are you tired?" She whimpered, "I'm sorry, I didn't know, yet I force myself on you." She tug on his sleeves, "But I just can't help it, I missed you, that's all and I wanted to repay back all the time we have los-"

"My apologies." Tsuna rose from the bed. "I'm happy to meet you too, my lady. Truthfully I am. I too, wanted to fill the lost time but I-.."

Tsuna paused as he can see a white silhouette from the corner of his eyes. "...I feel fatigue all over my body." He continued, "Maybe it's from the mission recently." He smiled softly. "But now it is all worth it." He brush his fingers along her hair. "You too, have to rest. You just revived back to life.. and I can assure you we have plenty of time. There's no need to rush, right?"


Valerie and Tsuna stare at each other in that ample silence. The way she look at him it is as if she's studying him, and she choose to ignore his sudden actions.

"Hehehe.. alright then. Yes of course, we have plenty of time." She glances at his ring again, smiling silently within herself despite the raging anger in her chest. "Plenty."


"Haaa.... Haaa..." You pursed your lips, breathing in some air before you pull yourself up to the ground, despite the blood that trickling down on the side of your head.

Unbroken Crimson Thread of Fate (KHR TYL Tsunayoshi Sawada)Where stories live. Discover now