Crimson Fate 20 - Anger or Jealousy

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He narrowed his eyes as he recalled the way you were held, touched, caressed, ...and the 'look' that the cloud guardian gave him. Not even a second.. only such a mere glance, only with the simple way of the way you grip the black haired man's chest--

The brown haired mafia boss brushed his hair, despite his bleeding palm. He feel annoyed, irritated, with the anger that makes him 'confused'. He tried to avoid from all the complicated thought and questions in his mind, by pouring more wine in his glass; no, this can't even help to sooth those fuming feelings either, and so he pushes the bottle away from him, breaking it on the floor.

Then it come to him. But he chuckled it off. "Jealousy?" He smirked. 'Jealous? Me? Towards a slave?' "...Such an interesting woman she is.. to twist my feelings like that." He murmured to himself as he stare idly to the window. He blinked when he noticed something. 'Is the barrier of spells always this thin?' Before he could pull the window open, he pauses as he caught a silhouette from the corner of his eyes. "...." He averted his eyes slowly as he puts his hands in his pocket, and his surroundings were changed into an empty field of flowers, just like in his dreams recently.

"You again, huh?"

No answer.

He sigh. "I am not in the mood to see anymore blood than my own hand right now, so I will be blunt. Who are you, and what is your purpose of appearing like this? Obviously to have a 'dream' like this for more than once is not a coincidence, and so-"

"Amore." 'She' plucked the nearest flower as it slowly withering in her hands.

"That name again?" He huffed, but the withering flower caught his attention.

"Amore. If you still be shackled by the power of darkness, I couldn't live within you anymore."

"...What nonsense are you talking abou-..!" Tsuna startled as she floats in front of him, holding both of the sides of his cheeks. Tsuna froze, and gradually calmed down to the warm hands. He cannot see her eyes, only to see a tear streaming down on her cheeks, dripping onto his. "Please, remember. Or else I.."


Tsuna gasped as he jolted from his chair.

"..A dream?"

He touched his cheeks. It was wet. It's not a sweat either.

'Please, remember.'

Groaning, he rose from his chair, slamming the door open. 'I've nothing to remember. My purpose to live is to revive 'her' and only her.' Tsuna grit his teeth as he stormed towards the master bedroom.

"...." You clench on the bed sheets, head still swirling from the blood loss, despite your insides are on its way to recover. The healing effect is slower than it used to due to your lack of power, but before Tsuna arrives, you took the chance to rest all you can. Gasp escaped your throat when Kyoya suddenly hover his face on yours.

You gulped as he stare into your soul. "Uh.. uhm.. t-thank you for bringing me here. And.." You glances at the blood on his shirt. "I'm sor-" He lift your chin to face him. "K-kyo-"

"Hands off from MY pet."


Before you could utter a word to reason with Tsuna, he had already caught the cloud guardian by the neck and threw him across the room; crashing him to the wall. Kyoya coughed from the impact, and was pulled up by his collar.

"Leave, before I erase your whole body with flame." Tsuna fumed.

"Forgive my rudeness, boss." He stood up, leaving the room--despite the blood that were dripping on his chin.


The air in the room turned cold. Tsuna were still standing there; as his back were facing you.


Before you realize it, he pounce you completely and shred your dress apart. Not even a single word could be uttered, he slap you across your face. Twice.

"YOU GREEDY WOMAN!!" He hissed as he slap you again.



You screamed on top of your lungs as he force himself into you til it drew blood out from your insides. You couldn't say another word as you gasp for air from his painful thrusts. He groaned and pull you by the hair to bite on your neck. Deep.

He chuckled. "You are indeed a selfish and greedy filthy being, aren't you? You are still feeling it even though its painful?"

"It's-" You gasped "It's not.. like-"

"Like what, RIEKKA?"


"Well? RI.EK.KA??"

Don't call me like that.

"Yo-u are wr-ong-..! It's- It's- not what- it- looks like..!" You gathered your last strength. "You've..! Misunders-...!!" You gasped as he choked you with his burning hands. "Misunderstood what, Riekka? What is it?? WHEN IT IS CLEARLY THAT YOU ARE SEEM SO CALM AND HAPPY WHEN YOU LEAN ON THAT GUARDIAN'S CHEST??"

"...!!" You tried to reach for his hands to no avail. To get some air. To break free. To explain even if it will kill you.

Your eyes widened when he spilled inside you. "Juu-daime-....sama.." Your trembling hands falls to the side as everything went black.



Giotto catches Ceres as she suddenly fainted and has stopped from chanting the guard spells.

The first guardians and everyone circled around her, as Giotto shakes her body.

"Aria.. Aria..! Get a hold of yourself..!"

Giotto gasped as Ceres shivered; clenching on his chest as a respond.

Breathing a sigh of relief, G kneel down next to her. "I guess it's enough for today. You've overworked yourself."

"No.." She gasped. "This is nothing."

"I agree. Please, have a rest." Uni hold onto Ceres's hands.

Ceres shakes her head as tears streamed down on her cheeks.

"Aria.. my wife.. what's wrong?" Giotto hold her close and kiss her forehead.

"No.. it's just that.." Her fingers on his chest trembled. "My daughter.. my beloved maiden.. I can feel it. Her life span won't be long."

This caught everyone's attention in a snap.

"Life span..?" Reborn's clenched his teeth. "It can't be.."

"It's getting worse..! We must be fast..! I just can't.."

"Calm down, Aria." Giotto narrowed his eyes and pulled Ceres closer. "If only.. 'he' is here-"

Then, a sound of a footsteps can be heard as the door is being slammed open, revealing a familiar red head man with a cheeky smile on his lips.

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