Crimson Fate 17 - A Short Moment of Happiness

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'Forgive me..'

It's suffocating. It's cold. It's empty. Your eyes were dry, so dry from all the crying, from all the tiredness that you have shed from all those sad and frightening days. Tsuna's images has been reappearing and disappearing all over the hollow space as you breathe again,

'Forgive me.. Anata..'

As you get drown into a lonely slumber, you can feel a warm touch caresses your head as you descend on a smooth surface.

"It's alright my dear maiden.. it's alright. Don't ever prick your own delicateness over any sharp edges that does not come from your heart."

Submerging into sleepiness, you responded with your telepathy. "Ceres.. is that you?"

"My dear maiden, please hold on. We are coming for you."

"Ceres.. I can't.."

"You are not weak, maiden. You are stronger than that."

"...What should I do, Ceres..? I just.. can't.."

"Be strong my maiden. Just remember. A rainbow will always appear after you've faced with the storm."


"Be strong, my maiden, for your own little angel too.."


You jolted as a cold hand pressed against your right cheek.

"Really." A stern voice speak up, "Knowing the fact that you are contracted with someone that is important as I am, you should be perfect inside out."

You blink, trying to readjust the blurry image in your eyes to the figure beside you who was squeezing a wet cloth from the small basin. He rolled his eyes as he look at you again, and literally throw the wet cloth beside you. "Tend to yourself."

Your head slowly wheeled to Tsuna.

"Ana.. Master..?"

He groaned. "What?" He knew you were about to call him the name that he hates so much, but he pretends he didn't because he feels too tired to punish you now. He winced silently to the pain around his finger; it has been stinging every now and then since the moment he left the enemy's mansion until he arrives his own. Those 3 hours has been torturing him. "Confused why I'm back early?" He scoffed. "Too bad for you, I left the missions of the killings to the guardians. You see this?" He points to his collar. "I'm surprised myself that I'm able to kill THAT much myse-"

"Are you hurt..?"

He pauses. Slightly surprised when you suddenly appeared beside him, despite lying weakly on the bed few seconds ago. "..It's from the enemy."

"I..I see." You, too, surprised yourself. Looks like old habit didn't die that quickly.

"I-I-I'm fine, Riekka- pl-please don't cry..! I'm fine..!"

You smile a bit from the old memories. 'I guess if he's still the person that I know.. he would've...'

"What is this?"

You startled.


He smirked. "You get up from the bed just to be overly concern and then suddenly go mute? Stop being funny already. Just be frank, Riekka. You missed me."

"...." You look at him.

"...and are you going to deny it-"

"It's the first time."

Unbroken Crimson Thread of Fate (KHR TYL Tsunayoshi Sawada)Where stories live. Discover now