Crimson Fate 03 - The Start of the Nightmare

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"Ah, a very pleasant life that you lead now, Vongola."

With a grin curved on his lips, he undo his hood and hold out a bottle of black haze in his hands.

"But, let the 'happily-ever-after' come to an end.." He snickered; pulling out the lid. "By us, the 'elder''s childrens."


Your chest rose and rest rapidly, gasping for air in the cold night. Grasping onto the blanket, your head turns side to side from the voices in your head.

"She will bring disaster in our family..!"

You gulped.

"This child must be destroyed!"

'Who is it..?'

"We must vanish her from here!"

'Whose voice is this..?'

" me..! Save me..!"

You bite on your lips, trying to avoid the shivers all around your body.



You tug on your hair. "Haa.. haa.." You look around. It's still midnight. It's still the calm midnight. But.. that voice.. those words..

'Is this a premonition..? No.. premonition would be in an image..'

You gulped again.


'A voice of a little girl..?'

"Save me.." You murmured. You shut your eyes tight, shaking your head from the voices.


You flinched, and calmed down slowly to the warm hand on your belly. You formed a small, tired smile on your lips to your husband.

"I'm sorry.. did I wake you?"

"What's wrong? Did you feel hurt anywhere?" Tsuna rubs on your belly gently. "I know you are nervous. It's near the date, right?" He smiled. "Don't worry. I'm here."

"..Yes, Anata. Thank you."

"Let's sleep, alright? You need a rest."

You nod. "Uhn.."

Tsuna give a peck on your forehead, pulling you down together with him. "Goodnight, Riekka."


You pursed your lips. "...."

'Please, please just let it be the mind playing with me. Please.. don't let it come true..'

You tug on the sheets tightly. 'Please.. don't show me the vision of the future..'

Beneath those wishes, the miasma has spread all over the mansion.

..And had infused into Neo Vongola Primo's ring.



Gokudera look up from his papers.


Tsuna give his best smile to his overly concerned storm guardian. "Ah, I'm sorry. Please do continue with the schedule procedures."

Too late. It had took your attention too.

"Anata.. it still hurts isn't it?"

"Wh-what is?" He tried to avoid your worried face too.

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