Crimson Fate 13 - Indirect Deal

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It was more than a nightmare. Horrifying than a nightmare itself. Ceres realized that her hands were shivering as her mind indulge the familiar womanly figure; her devilish grin that she always wear on her lips. It was none other than Valerie, the woman that is also one of the murderers behind her clan's downfall.

Ceres exchanged glances with her lover, as Giotto's amber orbs are also widened to the sight before him. Before knowing it, Ceres has gripped on his sleeves, earning his attention. They do their usual eye telepathy like they used to and it comes into one conclusion -- the being in front of them is indeed Valerie herself, except.. that so called being is not even breathing, she does not even have her own shadow.


There is no need for you to have your own eye message; nor telephaty. You KNEW it was HER. The woman that is the cause to Ceres's misery. But now, you keep on pondering of why, and how, this person could be alive. Over those 400 years and 10 generations of the Vongola.

'Why now..?'

You startled when she begin to roar with laughter.

"Surprised, my dear Bambina?"

Valerie's steps echoed throughout the silence as she pulled out her right arm towards Tsuna's head and grips his hair.

You gasped from the sight. "Stop! What are you doing? Don't touch hi-"

"You see Bambina, I hate explaining. To be honest I loathe it to begin with. Because..."

You clench your hands when Tsuna groan in pain from her tight grip.

"Stop it..!" You trembled. "No more.. please."

Valerie giggled. "Of course, of course, I will stop. But not until I finished my words, Bambina. Or maybe.." She turned to Ceres and Giotto. "...Maybe I could do it to dear Ceres instea-"

"NO!" Giotto and you said in unison, as Giotto pulled Ceres and shield her from Valerie's view. "Stop this, Valerie. I don't know how and why you are here, but most importantly, don't- just.. stop this Valerie. Don't hurt my generations, nor Aria's generat-"


In a split second, there's a huge ball of darkness that bounces Giotto away from both of you and Ceres. It was too fast as there is no chance for the 1st to dodge and its more than enough to make him bleed, despite being a lifeless body.

"NO!!! Giotto!!!"

As Ceres was about to run towards him, another attack launched before her.




"I told you... I've told you..." She mumbled. "I've told you that you should be with me.." Valerie focuses her power on her palm again. "BUT YOU NEVER LISTEN!!"

"White Phoenix!!"

Desperately gripping onto your bow, you ignored the blood that has been dripping from your mouth onto your chest.

You managed to save Ceres and Giotto in time. Even though Ceres has insisted you to rest and let her fight with Valerie, you still pushes her aside and shield her again from the next attack. Despite the crunch of saving your husband, you are also in the grip of the desperation of staying alive for him, the family, and... Orihime.

'My angel... my angel.. Orihime. I'm sorry.' You use your remaining strength to enlarge your power in your bow, hands trembling, with few drops of tears on your cheeks. "Tsuna... tsuna please..." You released another arrow. "Please.. PLEASE WAKE UP!!"

Valerie smirked and stopped her attack abruptly.

"Wake up?" She giggled again. "Bambina.. that won't happen."

Suddenly Valerie pulls Tsuna towards her roughly and creates a ball of foggy smokes in her other hand.

Your eyes widened slowly. "Wait.. what are you doing..? No.. Don't. DON'T! PLEASE-" Before you could summon another White Phoenix, Valerie shoved the ball of darkness into Tsuna's throat.

"Ahh- AAAAHHHHHHHHHH!!!!" He groaned in pain and cough crimson blood. He writhe on the floor, suffocating from the miasma.


The black haired woman jumped from your attack with ease.

"Ah~" She giggled some more. "So that is your celestial mode~ But you've let your guard down, Bambina-" Valerie twirled in the air and launches towards you. "..FOR BEING IN THE STATE OF YOUR FINAL MOMENTS!"


Her hands grips your neck and she slammed you on to the wall. You gasped from the lack of air, and slowly feel the air in your lungs to decrease from the choking. Valerie lean down and opens her mouth; sucking out the air through your mouth. "....! W-what are you-...!!!" You screamed from the new wound that she created. It is as if your life energy has been sucked out and be eaten by her.

Gradually, your white hair turned into normal, and your eyes change to its original color.

"Shh... Bambina.. I'm just helping you to be a 'normal' human."

Ceres quickly raise from her spot and pulled Valerie away from you. "GET YOUR HANDS OFF OF HER!"

"...Tch." Valerie growls as half of Ceres's attack manage to destroy her left arm completely. "You... I should've get rid of you first. YOU AND GIOTTO! SHOULD JUST DISAPPEAR!!!"

"...!!" You whimpered, "Ceres...!!!"

With another darkness attack, this time both Ceres and Giotto were bounces off from the mansion. Ceres got to shield themselves in time, but still couldn't make it back as she was bounced of again by another force.

"Try again, celestial demon." Valerie grinned. "Other than Riekka herself, you and Giotto will not enter this mansion again as I've sealed all over it." She slowly turned to you. "Of course, you can help them Riekka, but only with a drip of your blood. Oh- not a drip, maybe amount of blood of bath? Hahaha- HAHAHAHAHAHAA!!!"

"Why..." You hold on to the wall for support. "Why.. are you doing this..? Why can't you just-"


Another blow towards Ceres and Giotto.

"YOU DON'T KNOW ANYTHING! THEY'VE- NO- YOUR CLAN HAS DESTROYED MY HAPPINESS SINCE THE VERY BEGINNING!" She laugh again from the impromptu change of mood. "....So now my time has come. My time has come to have my revenge." Valerie was about to launch another attack towards Ceres, and you quickly stop her.

"Please..! Valerie..! Let's make a deal."

She pauses.


"You can do whatever you want with me. But please.. don't hurt my loved ones anymore. Just.. just punish me all you want!"


You shivered when her grin widen bit by bit. "There is no need to make a deal."


"The agreement has been made anyway. I've separated you away from your ONLY savior. So now you are crushed among your LOVED ones that are now LIFELESS and has NO memory of you AT ALL." She look across the space. "...Right? My beloved Neo Vongola Boss?"

You gasped and turned, but then you were thrown across the room verandah with an unknown force. Your mind slowly recollect every scene, where your cheek sting from the burn. You startled when there's a step stopped in front of you, and intentionally force yourself to think about other things as the smell is very familiar to you.

Then, as you looked up,

...Tsuna with an eye that is full of loathe is staring right into your heart.

Unbroken Crimson Thread of Fate (KHR TYL Tsunayoshi Sawada)Where stories live. Discover now