Crimson Fate 15 - Torture and Key of Solution

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'Orihime.. I'm sorry..'

"...!" Small gasp escape your lips as your eyes snapped open. You try to move but to no avail; your body are full with purple bruises from last night. It was abusive. It hurts. It hurts, so bad. You can't help but to shiver from those memories and whimper a cry. You sob in your palms, ignoring the throbbing pain inside you.




'Grandpa Talbot..'

"Save me." You whispers.


"...!!" Ceres abruptly turn to Orihime's crib. The small angel sleeping peacefully and yet Ceres couldn't curve a smile on her lips. 'Riekka..' A single tear drop, and another, as she cupped her lips, trying not to wake Orihime. She swallowed and take a deep breath, closing her eyes for a short prayer. 'This can't go on. I must find a way to undo the spell.' She tug on her chest, 'Reira.. please watch over me.'


Ceres lean the back of her head on Giotto's shoulder as he hugged her from behind. "Just pray that maiden will be safe and sound from Valerie. I.." He paused and Ceres lips trembled when she feel her shoulder wet. "I'm sorry Aria. This is my-"

"It's nobody's fault."

She turn to Giotto. "It's no one's fault, it's just the flow of life to bring us storm." Giotto cupped her cheeks and kiss her lightly on her forehead. "..Thank you, Aria." He kissed her this time, and hug her close. "Now.. I will try to summon the first guardians and we will see how we can work from this."

A knock on the door startled both of the lovers.

"...." Ceres look at her husband. "Giotto-sama."

"Stand behind me." Giotto uses his intuition, and there's no dark vibe coming from the door. As he opens it, it reveals a certain hitman.


"I've seen you have awake?"

You gasped and darts your eyes slowly before turn fully towards Tsuna. His smirk is full of mockery, despite the blood that splattered all around his coat and chin. "...! Ts- M-master.."

He raised his eyebrows. "Hoo? Not bad for a start." He untie his tie and threw his coat across the room. "This calls for reward." You shivered and walk backwards until your back facing the wall. He chuckles and close the space with a bite to your neck, creating blood. "No.. please- ahhhh!!" He force into you again and with a groan of pleasure, he chuckled again. "Not screaming much this time? Well of course, you are well prepared."

"Please.. please stop this."

"Just be quiet and accept everything. It's your duty. Or? You want me to throw you away? You 'love' me, right?" He thrusts roughly and you barely can stand and support yourself as energy are draining from your body.

You bite your lower lips, going on with the flow, yet tears are flowing down on your cheeks.

"You say no, but your body is honest. You wanted this, right?" Your eyes widened when he whisper in your ears. "T-That's not true-" You gasped as he come inside you. "...!!!" He hissed as you suddenly bites his shoulder from the shock. "Heeh.. not bad for a slave."

He pull out and throw you to the bed.

"No- No more.. Please..! Tsuna..!"

He slapped you.

Unbroken Crimson Thread of Fate (KHR TYL Tsunayoshi Sawada)Where stories live. Discover now