Crimson Fate 19 - Endless Fury

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This is the moment of where you need your advanced psychic skills the most. Valerie has really pulled almost everything out of you to the point you could do a bit of kinesis, healing powers, and a minor use of telepathy. The skill that you wanted to use desperately now is mind reading. Still, you can't help but to feel helpless.

Mukuro gives you a very weird vibe. It's the feeling of "It's not him, but it IS him." to you. Mukuro could be under the enemy's spell but there's a probability that he can be pretending because he's one of the guardians that has a special power among others, such as Kyoya.


Your feet froze.

There's a powerful aura engulfs your surroundings to the point your body stopped moving.

'What is this.. where did this powerful aura come from?'

It's like the miasma that attacked you, but slightly weaker.

Mukuro nod curtly to Tsuna and stands at the side as Tsuna enters the main guest room. He pauses, "What are you doing? Don't waste your time with day dreaming and come and meet the ally of your Master."

You gulped. You nod slowly, as your trembling feet makes a move towards the room. As your right foot stepped into the room, your blood rush coldly to the figure that were sitting on the nearest chair.

His face is very old. Ugly, worn out, just like a magician with dark arts, with a hunched back, and a skull-shaped wooden cane in his hands. You know him. No, you KNEW him. You gasped as an image of Talbot appeared in your mind. You shivered as everything has been placed into one story line now.

"So, this is your 'pet'?"

Your eyes averted towards another guest of the room, a menacing, dangerously looking woman, without a doubt. Her grin immediately were replaced with a disgusted look as your orbs stared into hers. You startled as she suddenly appeared in front of you and roughly lift your chin with force. "'Pet'... huh? That really describes your whole being pretty well."

"...." You clench your fists.

'Why..? Why my poor, serene and pure clan were always be insulted like this..?'

Her cat eyes widened. "What's with that look?"

"'Pet' it might be. But I'm sure, that my clan never dirtied our hands without a reason." You hissed and glared at Delizia despite your weak condition.

"Ah..!!!" She threw you across the room, and your body slammed onto the nearest table, enough to break the glass top shattered into pieces. You cough blood, gasping from the pain that spreads through your body.

"How dare you..! HOW DARE YOU TO ANSWER ME BACK LIKE THAT..!" Her hand glows, "...YOU FILTHY CREATURE..!"

"Miss Delizia.. there is no need to dirty your hands on her." Astuto snickered. "I guess we can save that torture later. Because,.." He turned towards Tsuna, who has been watching the whole scene without any interest at all. "We will kill her slowly right after we revived the queen, right, Neo Vongola..?"

"There's no need to remind me." Tsuna smirked as he sits comfortably in his chair.

"...." Your arms trembled. Tears starts to form, yet, you swallowed it all. 'Of course he won't bother to help.' You hold on the nearest armchair as support; gasping in holding back the pain that Astuto just created--he stabs your wrist deeply. 'Of course..' You look away from Tsuna, mocking smile from Delizia, and eerie snickers from Astuto. 'Don't..! Stay strong, I can do this..! This is.. nothing.'

Your lips trembled as you recalled the serene, sleeping face of your bundle of joy.


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