Adele's Tour

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                                                   Chapter 24

A/N: I'm happy to write more of the story...  I would also hope that you people have a happy Independence Day!!!  The summer is about halfway over...  It's so sad....  Enjoy it while you have it and read!!!

The hospital got back to me and said I was poisoned once again...  My immune system is becoming weaker...  I feel tired a lot lately...  Soon, I go to the hospital once again to have all poisons drained from me...

I gradually become stronger within the next few weeks...  Soon, I sing at my next tour stop...  Chicago...

The streets were busy and there are many people...  I would entertain them later on...  I hopped off the bus and got ready as quickly as possible...  Ana gave me my dress and shoes.  She redid my nails and fixed my hair.  I looked better than I had in months.  Then came the layers of makeup.  I looked brilliantly amazing...

Right after I warmed up my voice, I headed for the stage.  The curtians opened and I started giving my speech and saying how sorry I was that the concert was postponed until today.  I then started singing my songs... 

I exited the stage to my dressing room and redressed and returned my dress and shoes...  Adam was waiting for my return on the tour bus.  I skipped him and went to bed.  I didn't want to be near anyone at the moment.  No one but Adam or Kyle would try at this point in the first place.

When I woke the next morning I decided that I wanted to have fun with Natasha and Kayla.  Natasha and I need to bond more.  We never really talked until this tour.  Maybe this tour was a good thing.  I met my long lost cousin and BFF along with a new boyfriend.  But then again...  I've been poisoned so many countless times.  How am I still alive?  I almost died on this tour...

Kayla and Natasha were up to having fun.  First we watched a couple movies including The Hunger Games and Despicable Me 2.  Then we listened music.  We then ate pizza and ice cream we bought at a gas station.  We went swimming that evening at a local pool.  I could see jealousy written all over Adam's face as I haven't given him or Kyle much attention lately.

His dirty looks haunted me all evening.  I suppose in the morning he will pull me aside.  I will just pretend to be doing something with Natasha or Kayla.  What does it matter anyways?  I don't need him...  Maybe it is him who poisoned me...

A/N: I'm glad to say that we have 189 reads and 45 votes!  Good work peoples...  We can make it to 200 reads!  Well, once again...  HAVE A HAPPY INDEPENDENCE DAY!!!  Or I will come to haunt you.  (Joking)


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