Adele's Tour

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                                                Chapter 15

A/N: I decided to write another chapter.  This can be a little difficult having a million things to do.  So keep reading!!!!

After a long way, the tour bus came to a stop.  I hardly noticed because I was napping on the couch with Adam at my side.  I ignored it for a while.  Then I heard a familiar voice.  One from long ago.

It then comes to me and I'm up in a split second chasing for her.  I look everywhere.  When I finally get to Kyle's compartment I see my old friend with another familiar face.  It's just too familiar for me. 

I run over and hug Kayla.  Then that leaves an awkward moment between Natasha and me.  It was weird because when we were younger, Natasha was always mean and manipulative towards us.  I give Kayla the look and she starts to explain.

"Well, Natasha and I met up a couple days ago and she apologized and said she was real sorry for what she did to us when we were younger.  So I told her she may help me find you on this tour after I forgave her," Kayla said.

I give Natasha a part dirty look. "So, what brings you to Sacramento, Kayla?" I asked. 

"I was looking for you," Kayla said.

"Well, I missed you too Kayla.  Where did you get the British passports?" I asked.

"I don't need one for Britian anymore.  I need one for America to visit Britian," Kayla said.

"Cool, I could share my manison with you," I said.

Now my best friend was on my trip with me.  Then I remember Natasha and glare at her.  She looks at me all inocenntly.  I hate it when she does that.  Kyle stares at us a little watching the reunion.  Kyle shows Kayla and Natasha new compartments.  These ones we never use. 

Once Kayla was settled, I asked her to play cards.  I ended up having to play with Natasha.  I checked the date after the game and it was the day of Sacramento's concert.

I notice that Ana is here.  I know the president won't be here.  I dress in a brown dress with black shoes and put my hair up in a messy bun and walk to the studio.

I sign in and the desk lady named Cora finds my dressing room.  She then helps me find Ana.  She loves all of Ana's fashions.  We soon found Ana and Cora walked away.

As always, Ana finds the perfect dress.  I love this blue dress.  It came with matching shoes.  Ana redid my hair in some elaborate braid with clips and fancy cloth and different materials nessicary.  She does my makeup and repaints my nails.  I look flawless.

I warmup and take little sips of water I brought to the concert.  I feel safer now that I know it won't be contaminated.  I think it's silly to really care, but I still do for some reason.  I will ask Kayla later if she heard I got posined.

Cora comes to tell me I have 5 minutes until showtime.  I put on my microphone and walk to the stage.  This time I am observant of everyone's behavior. 

When the curtains open I give my tiny speech.

Thank you all for your support and for coming to hear me sing tonight.Enjoy, because this is all for you guys. 

I once again sing all of my songs that are well know starting with Skyfall and ending with Someone Like You.  I have sung these songs so many times.

I then take a bow as the concert is at end and people roar with excitement.  The audience cheers as I walk off the stage as the curtians close.  I keep thinking about why Someone Like You is always my curtian's call.  It's always last.

I run the bus after I return all hair material, the dress, and the shoes.  Ana seems to be a little off schedule on everything, but I think she's ok.  I run to the bus.  When I get there I seem light headed and dizzy.  Adam asked me twice if I was ok, but I had trouble responding.  All I could do is groan. 

I heard Adam call for help.  That's the last thing I remember before I blacked out once again.  I don't know if I'm asleep or awake.  I don't know if I'm dead or alive.  I only know I'm some place far from where I should be.

A/N: I hope that was exciting.  I did my best.  Leave comments for suggestions.  What will happen next?  Read to find out!!!!  YOLO!!!!!

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