Adele's Tour

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                                                 Chapter 5

A/N: Hey!!!  Would you like a challenge?  If I get at least 20 reads by next Monday, I will publish 5 more chapters in less than 1 week!!!  You can do this people!!!! 

I decide to write another song.  I have the perfect lyrics right now because my emotions are so high.  Yes, I am writing about Adam.  Who else at the moment would I write about?  I would also like to write about one of my childhood friends and their life today, I would to use multiple friends other than Kyle (Yes, Kyle is included).

My lyrics spill out into a page.  The music comes quickly as well, and soon I have yet another new song for my album.  I then come up with an idea that would earn our company money.

I send the president of the company an E-mail about my idea of making an album of all the songs I've wrote.  That would earn us a lot of money, I would hope.  The more money I earn the president of the company, the longer my career may last, which, I love my career.

After a long day of work, Adam finally comes from the desk in one of Kyle's work compartments to give me attention and sort of flirts with me.  I ignore this and talk to him a little.

"Hey, what's your favourite colour?" I asked.

"I like purple." Adam said.  "How about you?"

"I have a thing for blue." I said.  "So, have you ever traveled to England, my home country?"

"No, I haven't.  My college class went to London one time.  I wasn't able to attend the trip."  Adam said shyly.

"Why was that?"  I asked with obvious couriousity.

"My mom got sick."  Adam said.

"Oh, sorry.  Do you like being a journalist?" I asked wanting to change the subject.

"Yeah, it's an easy way for me to make the money I need.  Besides, writing is in my blood.  My grandfather was a journalist himself.  I could write anything.  Even a lie, so perfectly plotted."  Adam said trying to give off as little information as possible.

"I see.  My grandmother used to sing in an opera.  My grandfather played in a successful jazz band.  My mom also used to sing a little for fun.  My dad is a children's book illustrator.  Anyhow, did you own any pets as a kid?"

"I owned a hamster named Spots."  Adam said.

"When I was little, I owned a dog named Hercules.  I also owned a gerbil named Speeds."

I gave up on conversation after a while.  I turned the radio on a little loud and put on slow love music.  Yes, we danced.  When I went to say the only thing I wanted to say which was 'Goodnight' because I was tired, he kissed me on the lips.  I broke apart after another 5 minutes turning off the radio with Adam staring. 

"You wouldn't let me say goodnight," I explain.

He turns to the couch, looking lost when I jump over and sit on the couch in front of him and say, "Why no words tonight, Adam?"

"I'm sorry.  I wasn't thinking of the many questions that you were probably thinking of when we first kissed." Adam began.  "My life at home was screwed up.  My parents didn't like me as my brother did, but my brother died in high school.  They got so lost in their sorrows, I had to be placed in Foster Care.  Eventually I was adopted."

"I'm sorry I asked," I said queitly.

"Don't be.  Everyone is courious," Adam said.  I'm glad he's not leaving grudges on me and understands me so. 

A/N: Just a reminder: If I receive 20 reads by next Monday, I will add 5 more chapters in less than 1 week.  So keep reading.  YOLO!!!!!!!!!

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