Adele's Tour

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Chapter 37

A/N: Hey guys, I'm bored right now. I guess I left everyone in a bit of suspense. I may finish this up in the next couple of chapters. There will be an epilogue. I don't know how many exact chapters there will be, but there won't be too many left. So, let's begin.

I stare at Kyle with a blank face. I guess I will come off as desperate today. I mean, I can't give away that I have a shard of glass in my pocket sharp enough to cut through the ropes. I need to try to trick him.

"What do you want from me?" I ask, almost pleading. I'm coming close, I got to act. I think if I tear up a bit too, it will help my case.

"I just want you to stay." Kyle replies dully.

"Isn't what I had enough?"

"Yes, but will that be forever?"

"How do you expect forever from me?"

"Then how do you expect me to let you go?"

"You're so impossible. Also, I need to know ... Why won't you let me go? I want more of an answer from you. Please, I beg you, help me."

Kyle sighs. I may have won him over. I see the conflicted feelings in his face. If this works how I plan it to, I would be the best actress in the universe.

"You know how thrilling this is for me? All the excitement of what Adam is going to do to us next. I know after a while that Adam will kill me in my sleep so there isn't a love triangle anymore."

I give Kyle this horrified look. "Kyle, why would you want to stay then? It's just a death sentence to both of us. Also, do you have any idea of what horrible thing he is going to do to me next?"

"He may rape you. I don't know. But I know I can't let you leave. At this point I know he will kill me regardless if I am loyal to him or not. If I let you leave, he kills me, but if you stay, he'll want you all for himself."

"Then leave with me."

"It's not that simple. He has a security system."

"Then I guess you'll have to hack it if you want to live and if you don't want me to testify against you in court if you do make it out alive."

"You're putting me in an impossible situation here."

"YOU KNOW WHAT!!! I DON'T CARE ABOUT ESCAPING ANYMORE!" I say screaming. I pause and try to calm down. If I want his good side, I need to stay calm so he won't get all defensive.

"Sorry, but I don't care about living anymore. Just please let this poor man go. I know he won't say anything to the police. I trust him. Please, please only make me suffer. I brought this upon myself for abandoning you and for trusting the wrong people. But this man believed in me, and tried to help me. Please let me- let us help him and save him from what's coming to me." I start to fake beg with a tear rolling down my face. Well, I didn't fake all of it. Simon does deserve to live.

"I will see what I can do for him."

"Thank you!" I say, still fake crying.

"Also, I want you to know ... You trust a lot of people. People you shouldn't trust. I tried to reason with myself last night before I finally fell asleep. But my guilt speaks the truth about me. You shouldn't trust me either."

"Then why do I do?" I ask as he leaves. I stop crying instantly.

Simon snaps alive and smiles at me. I can't help but do so. I guess I now need a strategic plan. Simon may help me with that. I know he will since I am helping him. His face then turns conflicted, like he feels bad that I am paying the consequences for his immunity.

"What?" I ask.

"You think it's all perfect now that I'm gone and you have to suffer for me. That you don't feel as bad. Well, now I feel like you did a moment ago."

"Look, if you want both of us to get out of this alright, please follow my lead."

"What do you mean?" Simon asks confused.

"Well, I figured it would be extremely hard and time pressing if I tried to cut both of us down with a glass shard. If you escape, they will have to disarm the security systems, allowing both of us a narrow chance for escape, though a much better chance of escaping than what we have at the moment."

"Oh, now I see your logic. I sometimes don't get you, Adele."

"Isn't that a great quality at the moment?"

"Yeah, I suppose."

"Alright, I guess we will have to see if I am able to leave peacefully then. I can't allow you to stay here much longer with the threat of you being raped."

"Wasn't that always a threat. Even on that tour bus, I could have been raped. But they didn't do anything bad to me yet besides this, and I thank God for that."

"Ok, I understand that. But now, they would be more inclined to do so with your friends not around. Also, why does it seem that Kyle still has feelings for you?"

"Oh, he does. But the only problem with that is I'm breaking up with him."

"I'm guessing that he is questioning to help you while you are being held captive by a sociopath. I don't know it's just a wild guess."

"Alright. I think he is coming back with news. Please look awake, but involved with this as little as possible. Like you despise me."

A/N: I think this is a good place to stop. I don't have time anymore since it's finally spring again. For me, everything starts back up again in spring and it just gets totally crazy after that until the last day of school. Am I the only one that happens to? I don't know, I feel alone on this one. Thank you guys for being patient and waiting for me. I appreciate all of you! YOLO!!!!

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