Adele's Tour

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  • Dedicated to Anyone who wants a shoutout

                                                  Chapter 18

A/N: I am so happy I hit 39 readers!!!  Good job peoples!!!!  I'm so proud.  Let's see if we could hit 50.  Now, to the story!!!!!  :)

I harmless glance at Natasha now.  I feel I should forgive her.  I already know she's sorry.  I won't make her feel too gulity.  I try to show her it's okay.  It almost never works.  It never works when I try to show people I care.

There's one last thing I have to tell Kayla.  We promised a long time ago to stay secretless.  I pull her aside.  I don't want anyone interfering with this. 

"Kayla, I have to tell you something," I said.

Her face turns serious.

"What is it?" Kayla asked.

"Natasha and I are cousins," I said.

"No way!" Kayla said in disbelief.

"Yep, so now I have to forgive her," I said.

"You should have in the first place.  She's real nice now," Kayla reminds me.

"Thanks for listening.  I just couldn't keep a secret from you," I said in relief.

We went our seperate ways.  I'm going to be discharged again today.  The nurse, Dr. Alexa handed me a poison relief injector in case someone tries to poison me again so I won't have to go to the hospital.  She also hands me a blood test kit for toxic chemicals and poisonous objects. 

I am escorted to one last scan to make sure I'm ok.  Then they said they put new purified water in my tour bus and got rid of the old ones.  Soon enough, I'm discharged.  I say thank you to Dr. Alexa for all of her gifts and help.  She deseveres a shout out during my next concert.

I climb aboard the tour bus and write a song about Natasha and Kayla.  Soon enough, I finish the lyrics and make music.  I then write more lyrics.  This one is only for Natasha.  She deserves a song.  She's my long lost cousin, who I knew all this time but didn't know were related to one another. 

Kyle waves at me nervously.  He is so shy around me now.  I almost miss the old him when Kayla and Natasha weren't around.  Adam is the same to me.  He acts loving and caring.  I try to act like that back.  I might actually be falling for him now.  He can probably still tell I'm not into him as he is to me, which is painful, because I've dealt with that before.

I then focus back on my work and send an Email to the president of all my new songs I haven't sent to him yet.  The president soon sends an Email back to me and thanking me for all of my hard work.  I don't know if my work is hard.

For the rest of the evening, Kayla, Natasha, and I hang out together.  Kyle drives.  Adam writes all the time, trying to pinpoint a job.  I don't see why he wouldn't get a job for long terms.  He's good enough I think. 

When everyone goes to bed, I'll read more of his writings.  Maybe that will help me with my songwriting.  He words are quite inspirational.  He could push anyone through anything.  Except for one thing, death.  No one could do that.  It might be possible, but it seems so impossible.

I lay awake thinking of my mother.  She died of cancer.  She had a long battle.  My father may still be alive.  He left us when I was a kid.  I never cared for my father.  So I lay awake and almost cry because of my mother.

A/N: I hoped you liked this chapter.  Thank you to the 39 people who read my story!!!  I'm hoping that we reach 50.  We only need 11 more readers!!!  Keep it up peoples!!!!  YOLO!!!!

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