Adele's Tour

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                                                 Chapter 9

A/N: I am still surprised at how many reads I got.  I decided that I will add more to my story.  Thank you to the 21 people who are reading.  I will give us our 5 new chapters now.

I stare at Ana.  I wasn't hoping hoping to run into her.  I have to get back to Adam soon.  I don't need anything bad to happen to him.  I wonder how he is holding up.

"Adele!  Your performance was brilliant!"  Ana said.

"Thank you Ana," I say trying to hide my anxiousness.

"Are you trying to get to someone?  Is it that boy?  Are you dating?" Ana asked innocently.

"Yes Ana.  That boy's name is Adam.  We are dating.  He seemed upset before I left for the concert." I said.

"Oh.  What city are we heading to next?" Ana asked.

"We're heading to Phoenix." I said trying to sound polite.

"You seem impatient.  What's wrong?" Ana asked.

"My boyfriend seemed upset so I have to see if he's ok." I said.

"Oh.  Sorry to keep you waiting."  Ana said.

I race to the tour bus and find Adam with pills.  I grab the pills.  They'really sedatives.  What would he do with these?

"What are you doing?" I asked.

"Those make me drowsy.  I need to sleep," Adam explains.

"Look, I know you're stressed.  You don't need to take pills to make you feel better.  Besides, I know what you were going to do," I said.

"What was I going to do then," Adam said impatiently.

"I know you were trying to commit sucicide.  You don't need to do that.  Many people on this Earth love you Adam.  I do as well," I said.

Adam was speechless.  I didn't know what to do.  I got one of the guards to watch Adam for the night and to sort of counsel him.  He was once a school guidance counselor.  He had to change professions as he told me once before.

I went to bed soon after this occurance.  Kyle kept us going on our tour.  I want to see him.  I need to see him.  I decide to talk to him in the morning. 

In the morning when I wake, I tiptoe out to the couch and find the security guard and Adam asleep.  I tiptoe past them to Kyle.  I see him.  He is deep in thought. 

"Hi," I said.

"How may I help you?" Kyle said.

"Oh, I just want to talk.  I'm all good," I said.

"How's your new boyfriend?" Kyle asked.

"Oh, he's had a meltdown," I said.

"Why?" Kyle asked.

"Memories of his hometown," I said.

"Did something happen?" Kyle asked.

"When he was little his brother died and his parents got so sad they stopped caring for anyone," I explained.

"Do you miss me?" Kyle asked.

"A little.  How about you?" I asked.

"I miss you a lot," Kyle said.

"Well, as you could see, I had to move on," I said.

"You didn't move on all the way, did you?" Kyle asked.

"Ok, I didn't all the way move on, but I'm trying to move on," I said.

"Why did you move on?" Kyle asked.

"I just needed to.  We weren't meant to be," I said.

"How do you know that?" Kyle asked.

"Kyle, I know.  I cannot do this again," I said.

"What?  I was shy towards my family, espically Kayla," Kyle said.

"Well, if you loved me enough then, you would've told Kayla.  You would have at least tried.  You didn't try for me," I said.

"I'm sorry I didn't try.  I was afraid to try," Kyle said.

He did the most unexpected thing I ever saw him do.  He walked over to me and kissed me.  I didn't know what to say.  It totally caught me by surprise.  I didn't let go of him either.  It was him who let go.  I stared him and then said, "I moved on.  I'm dating Adam."

"You didn't let go," Kyle said in disbelief.

"I didn't know what to do," I said then walked to my compartment.

A/N: I am making us all interested.  I didn't want to bore us all while the tour is still on.  The only time when I won't have to use my weapon of drama is when the tour ends.  Until then I will attempt to make this story readable.   YOLO!!!!

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