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Anger mixed with pain were the only emotions that I felt as I stormed out of Prudence's apartment. I knew just who to talk to. I raced across the courtyard and punched the floor number, once I was inside the elevator. I stormed through the door startling all three of my kids. The moment my eyes hit Mags my face contorted painfully.

"What is it mom?" she asked, jumping to her feet.

"Did you know?" I demanded, my face was hot, and my hands were shaking.

"Did I know what?" Her eyes darted around the room.

"Where are the others?" I screamed.

"What are you talking about?" She was nervous.

"Your brothers and sister!" I felt like my heart was going to explode.

She stood silent for a moment wringing her hands together. "They are safe," she said.

"What do you mean they are safe?" I wanted to grab her and shake her for not telling me that the others were alive.

"After Lidia was able to switch on the dormant genes I got them out of there. The only ones that chose to stay behind were Alec and Michael. The others are hidden underground." Her lips began to quiver. Why did she feel that she needed to hide this from me?

"Where?" I felt as if I was going to be sick.

"Doris lives at the Sothern Sanctuary, James the Northern." Her eyes began to water.

"Were your genes changed?" I closed my eyes tightly letting it all sink in.

"No, I'm just frozen in time."

"When were you going to tell me?" The anger and pain had reduced to only one feeling, weakness. I had failed in my mission to right the wrongs done to my children. I thought I was getting my revenge for their deaths when in fact, they were all alive.

"When it was safe. Alec and Michael refused to leave me; but James and Doris, they were weak compared to them. Dad would kill them if he knew that they weren't as strong as him." She stepped towards me, but for each step forward she made I took one back.

"I have spent decades mourning their deaths, just to find out tonight that your deranged father managed to complete full resurrections on his own children and not tell me." I looked at Dustin and Joshua grateful that they had never had to face the man that helped make them.

"I had to keep it a secret from you. If you knew where they were grandma would be able to find out as well. She left me alone after they brought me back. Lidia and dad did not see me as a successful resurrection, they saw me as a failure. That is why I stayed behind. If I could help even one being escape Lidia, then I had at least done something right." She stopped moving and just looked at me.

"Does Garret know?" If there was anyone that could fill the gaps in the last fifty years it was that man. I hated to admit it, but he was an asset to the ever growing plot line.

"No. He is only aware of Michael and Alec." Her eyes told me she was telling the truth, but my heart still felt like she was hiding something from me.

"Lidia is dead, and if your father knows that the others live he's going to look for them. We have to find them first." I looked away from her.

"I know where they are," she said defensively. "I can tell the Fire Warden, and she will open the door, and they can come in."

As much as I wanted to believe that she was right, I could not ask for Dawn to allow my other two children into the city without first making sure that they were like Michael, and not so much like Alec. I already had to deal with the death of one son, I could not fathom having to deal with the others. Alec was going to be placed on trial for working with Lidia after the treaties had been signed and new laws put into place. The magic that the Doctor was using was against the codes that had been set up by the council to restore peace to the hybrid and pureblood world.

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