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I requested a meeting with the council the next morning. I was not kidding about getting more guards inside the dimensions wall. I did not want them to think that I was planning some form of invasion after what Prudence and I had talked about the night before. I had made a list of three hundred beings that I had met over the years. Many of them were my own descendants that Marshall and I had tracked down during our DNA study. I wanted to make sure that there was no way Alexander could get his hands on Elle. I do not think he would hurt her, but I knew he would take her to Phillip who had every intention of doing just that.

"Good morning everyone. I want to apologize for calling you at the last minute. After speaking with Prudence last night concerning my issues with the Greene family, I feel that Charlotte and Elle are in need of more guards." I closed my eyes and sighed.

"Entrance to the City of the Sun is by invitation only. Why would you think that these two need more protection?" Dawn asked. She was worn out, and the worry was written all over her face.

"Does that invitation extend to those that others might find suitable?" I raised an eyebrow.

"In a way yes. If someone that was already here were to open the door..." Dawn's voice trailed off. "Is there someone here that you do not trust?"

"There are a couple, but I do not feel giving names would be of any help." If I was wrong about Emily and Nathan, the last thing I wanted was for them to be kicked out. Besides, I needed Holden on my side. There were still so many holes to fill.

"I would like to think that everyone here was trustworthy." Dawn sighed.

"What's the news on your companions? Were you able to get the word out to them?" I asked knowing full well she had a lot going on.

"Yes. I didn't give them any urgency, so they should start arriving once they can put their lives on hold." She looked at Prudence. "Do you feel that this is necessary?"

"After speaking with Gretel yesterday concerning her discussions with not only Alexander, but the children. I feel it might not be a bad idea. Besides if we were to come across more, we are going to need as much help as we can get." Prudence answered her.

"Prudence is right. If Gretel feels that things here have the potential of becoming violent, we will need the added manpower." Lucifer chimed in.

"I don't know if you recall our conversation when I first arrived. I told you that this was beyond what you had to deal with when the Queen was alive. Sheridan told me a long time ago that she was the only reason that Elizabeth hadn't been brought back. She trusted Alexander, but she didn't trust Phillip. Then she had her daughter attack my commune just outside Midvale." I noticed Dawn's face perk.

"You lived in Midvale?" she asked. I can honestly say I had forgotten that was the location that everything went south for the young woman.

"For many years, until the Queen's daughter ran me off my land." I griped. It had been years, and yet it still felt like pouring salt into a wound.

"Ok. Get those you think would benefit here. I will get with Xic and make sure that there are ample rooms available." Dawn got up.

"I would like to request for Marshall and his wife Kelly to join us. I know he is a good friend of yours and one of my many grandchildren." I saw the light in her eyes. She had not seen Marshall in quite some time. The mention of his name removed the worry from her face for only a moment.

"Looks like we are bringing the gang back together." She laughed softly. "If only Aaron were here to see this."

"Prudence and I worked together on the serum. It should only be a few more days, and we can begin administering it. Your boyfriend will be all right." I promised her.

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