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In 1984 I had enough of the constant abuse and neglect. My husband had become a monster. If it were not for my contractual obligation to Alexander, I would have left sooner than I did. I packed a bag for Dustin and Josh and one for myself. I waited until Phillip had embarked on one of his trips, and I packed the kids in the car, kissed the servants each goodbye, and drove away from the mansion. I stopped once at the bank to transfer all the money from an account in my name to another that belonged to one of my aliases in London. I wanted nothing to be traced back to me.

I had heard that the Queen was taking visitors that afternoon, and I parked my car outside the luxurious hotel in downtown. I hauled the kids and my bags into the lobby and up the elevator to the Queen's room. Her daughter opened the door, and with an irritated growl allowed me inside. The Queen was sitting on a plush chair while a small woman was working on her fingernails. She looked up at me and gave me a sweet angelic smile.

"Gretel? I wasn't expecting you," she said looking first at me and then at my children. The smile faded from her face. "This isn't a good visit is it?"

"I apologize, your majesty. I need your help." I knew it was a bold move. I had heard the stories of what this woman would do to those that crossed her. If she did not agree that I should leave Phillip, I could be forced to go back.

"Of course," she shooed the manicurist away and motioned to another chair. "Lilly can you please take the children down to the vending machines and get them anything they want."

"Do I look like a babysitter to you?" Lilly grumbled. "They are human."

"I don't care if they are apes. These children are under our protection. Do as you are told, child!" she yelled.

Lilly rolled her eyes and reached out to take both kids by the hand. They looked at me for approval before turning to follow the red-headed girl to the door.

"So, tell me." She leaned in and frowned.

"I need my marriage dissolved," I muttered.

"I thought you and Mr. Bradly were quite happy. He always raves about how wonderful of a mother you are." She blinked at me and licked her lips.

"Several years ago, I learned something that I should have told you. Phillip and Lidia both plan on resurrecting Elizabeth Bradly." I bit my bottom lip and waited for Sheridan to lose control of her temper.

"I am very aware of the atrocities that go on at that medical research facility." She reached out and took my hand in hers. "I have been waiting for the day that your eyes were opened by it."

"You are just allowing them to research on innocent creatures? Beings that follow your rule." I raised an eyebrow confused.

"I only send those that oppose me to the center. Nothing too strong, nothing too weak. Let the Doctor operate on her little pets. It keeps her out of my hair, and she feels that she is doing some good. Hiding poor souls marked for death from the guns of her daughter and the scythe of her scorned lover." Sheridan laughed softly.

"You knew about all of this and yet did nothing?" I was even more confused. I had thought she would be irate that I had held onto such a secret for so long.

"What I didn't like was hearing how your dear children met their demise." She shook her head solemnly. "Human or not, our children are quite special to us."

"Yes, they are indeed," I agreed solemnly.

"What do you wish to know?" the Queen asked changing the subject.

"What do you know of Elizabeth Bradly?" I asked.

"I know she is Phillip's mother and was once very influential in the underground network. She's very old." Sheridan shook her head. "The fact that she has not killed you means she either has a use for you or she likes you. I'm assuming because you are married to her son, it's the later of the two."

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