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Guilt. It is been an underlying emotion since the day we fought to free Kris' husband from Alexander's grasp. I have chosen to ignore it, not wanting to feel that all this was my fault. Truly, I was beginning to feel that all of it was somehow connected to me. Sure, I was not directly connected to Elizabeth's death, but I was connected in some weird twisted fashion to everything going on now. I had unwillingly been drawn into this whole mess, when all I wanted was to live in peace with my two remaining children.

While I had thought Phillip had given up on finding us, he had been filling children's heads with stories of the fearless soul sucker that would tear out their humanity if they ever spoke a word of what was hidden inside of them. Then I thought that Alexander would just leave us be with my warning. Instead, he had entered the City of the Sun and taken Elle out from under us. I could have ended him and saved everyone from this whole mess. Now I have the fate of Anthony Grimm and his wife Megan laying in my hands. If I walked away without doing anything, there was no telling what would happen to them. For all I knew, Elizabeth would suck the last bit of life out of Anthony and Lidia would do lord knows what with the body.

I did not like that the responsibilities were weighing on me. I have always done well in separating the good feelings from the bad. When you live as long as I have, you learn a few tricks of the trade. Too much is still too much no matter how old you are. I had to right as many wrongs as I could.

I left Mr. Grimm that night, making sure he promised to sleep with the pouch of herbs under his pillow. If I could help him get just enough rest maybe it would give him a heads up when I come back to get him out of the house. I honestly had no idea what exactly would happen with my plans. Hell, I was not even sure what was going to happen when I got back to the hotel room. All I knew is that the more responsibility I took on the guilt was getting harder and harder to ignore.

I met Mena in the lobby of the hotel. She was carrying an old carpet bag as she had for many years. I do not know what it was with witches and carpet bags, but they seemed to be the ideal tote for the magically inclined. She nodded her head at me without a single word spoken and followed closely behind me as I made my way towards the elevator. Nobody seemed to notice the short, stout woman following me.

"Don't tell me you pulled an invisibility spell out of the book." I teased as the doors closed behind us.

"The last thing I need is someone seeing me with you. The High Witch would see me hanged if she knew that I was helping you," she whispered, still afraid that she would be heard.

That is the other thing about witches. They are the by far the most conspiracy driven group in the supernatural realm. All those magic spells cause them to think that the walls have ears, because they know some spell on how to do it. They always think that someone is out to get them. I suppose that is common sense, you hear more about witch on witch violence than anything else in the underground.

"Trust me, Elizabeth may be powerful, but she's not a murderer." I actually hoped I was telling the truth. I knew very little of her life. The few things I did know I could not only weigh as truth, since she was trying to convince me that it was safe to walk around in my body.

Mena scoffed. "Just shows how much you know about your mother-in-law."

I was afraid to ask her to enlighten me. I knew stories of Mena and how she betrayed the High Witch. I also knew that if Elizabeth found a new body, she would quickly get rid of those that had opposed her. I decided it was in my best interest not to dig too far into my curiosity.

"So why are you so willing to help me?" I asked as the elevator dinged.

She placed her finger to her lips and said nothing as we walked down the hall towards my room. Mena stood outside for a few minutes warding the door from intruders before entering. She made a low whistle as she looked around the room.

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