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"So how did such a nice girl like you get sucked into something like this?" Prudence took a drink of her coffee, and lightly placed the mug down on the table top.

She had found me sleeping on the couch in the nursery and insisted that I join her for a cup of coffee. I hated leaving the baby, something about her made me protective. Maybe it was the magic that surged through her, or perhaps it is the fact I knew her father well. All I knew was I would kill for that infant.

"I was in the right place at the absolute worst time." I let out a nervous laugh. "I was desperate to get out of London. I had been there for so long I needed new walls, new roads, and I needed adventure. I had been playing it safe for so long, that I didn't listen when the spirits told me that Alexander and his handsome son were trouble."

"So, you fell for the boy with the pretty face?" she laughed softly. "I don't know how many times I did that in a lifetime."

"I spent fifty years cooped up in that house popping out children like candy it seemed." The way I said that sentence made me feel sick. I had not thought that way when I was in the house. What made me think that now?

"I take it there was no love shared between the two of you." Prudence's smile faded, and she took on a more serious expression.

"No, there was no love," I said somberly. "We cared for each other. Or at least, I think that we did."

"What made you decide it was time to leave?" she asked.

"When I found out that his mother was somehow controlling him. He would come home drunk and..." I could not finish my thought.

"Those of us that have lived through centuries of oppression for being a woman know that life then was not the same as it is now. Women were not equal, and if we did something wrong we were beaten." She pushed the coffee mug away from her.

"You are probably the only one that understands why I stuck around as long as I did." I took a deep breath.

"What I don't understand is how two very supernatural beings were able to have seven human children." She looked at me. "I had one child, and she was beyond powerful."

"I've been working on theories for the last few years with one of Dawn's friends." I felt funny now.

"Yes, Marshall is a good man." She smiled as if she also knew the man well.

"You know Marshall?"

"Yes, quite well. I spent a bit of time with him while Dawn was on sabbatical in Hell." She did know him. This vast world was starting to feel a lot smaller.

There was a bit of silence between the two of us. I was not sure what to say. If she knew Marshall, then I had a feeling she was well informed on the evolutionary matter that I had been looking into, when I willingly came to the City of the Sun.

Prudence looked at her watch and frowned.

"I have a meeting with Kris and Aaron this morning. I hope to see you this evening." She stood up and stretched. "I made a promise that I would be there." I looked up at her.

It did feel that even while I was in the city for a purpose, Kris was dealing with a lot of the secret missions. They kept us separate most of the time. I do not think it was so much on purpose, it was just that our paths were never really meant to cross. Elle, on the other hand, seemed to be the only other one that was being kept here for safety. Prudence took her leave, and I sat at the table a little longer. My entire world was changing. I knew there was something that I needed to do. I had to get back to Earth so that I could speak with Lidia. While the birth of Charlotte was a great distraction, I knew there were more children in the hospital that needed to be cleansed. So far, no casualties, but I was careful. The last thing that I wanted was to have anything depraved happen to any of these children.

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