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I spent my evening alone in the apartment crying my eyes out. Why had I approved for Michael's body to be used as a new vessel? Was my own selfish pride a good enough reason to put myself through so much pain and anguish? I hardly slept, all I could think about was everything that Phillip had done to the kids and me. How his family had promised me a new life in America, and instead only left me with nightmares and a broken heart.

I drank three cups of coffee before heading towards the hospital with a notebook. I had spent several hours writing out questions for Holden and Freia. I had now witnessed two cases where a spirit was moved from one body to another. Something told me this was not the method that Lidia was using. Then again both Lucifer and Prudence were far more powerful than Lidia thought she was. It made more sense for their attempts to be successful with them. I knew Lidia had made mistakes. How many more beings out there were like Mags? Discolored and broken, but still forced to live day to day.

"Good morning Gretel." Prudence smiled at me the moment she came into view. "You conducting your interviews today?"

"Yes, ma'am." I tried to smile but I was too tired, and it did not stick.

"Did you sleep all right?" she asked concerned.

"Not really." I let out a nervous laugh.

"I knew we should have found another body." Prudence reached out and touched my cheeks.

"It's going to be hard, but I'm glad we did it. Something tells me that having Mr. Mitchell inside his body is going to make letting go much easier. I feel that you and I may need to speak first. I know that you are aware of the files kept on my children. I feel that I should give you a rundown on some of the outcomes." I closed my eyes. Unless she was able to see into the past, I had a feeling Prudence only knew the information that I had recently provided.

"Alright." She motioned towards a set of chairs against the wall.

"My oldest daughter, Mags, as you know still lives in the hospital with Lidia and Phillip. Alec, my sweet boy, was killed in a tragic accident and while his body still roams the Earth, his soul is no longer within. It wasn't until last night that I found out my son Michael lived, as you know." I bit my lip. "It's making me wonder if the others are alive as well. Their files said that the bodies were returned to their graves, but after all of this I have no idea how much is true." I glanced at my hands.

"Sounds like we may have more work cut out for us. We made you a promise that if you helped these children, we would help you get yours. We just may have more than one to find." She reached out and took my hands. "I can only imagine the amount of pain you have felt over the last fifty years. Dealing with Phillip and the loss of your children. Then when you get out, you find that the woman you thought was your ally had turned her back on you. I can't pretend that I know what you are going through, but I can promise to be an ear and a shoulder to help you get through the pain that has still yet to come."

"I thank you for this Prudence. You have truly been a helping hand with everything. I wish that I had known you while I was still in London. Maybe you would have told me not to follow the first American man back to his country because you needed a change of scenery." I accepted her consoling gesture.

"I have done my fair share of stupid things. When I lost Victoriana the first time, I blamed her father for taking her away from me. Then I realized that she made her own mistakes by allowing her power to become unbalanced. It wasn't his fault that she was unable to maintain herself appropriately." She smiled. "I better not keep you. Mr. Mitchell has been asking when you were coming in all morning."

"Thank you again, Prudence. I will meet with you after my discussions with both Holden and Freia. Together I'm sure we can fill in the blanks with my theory." I stood up from the chair and brushed a stray blonde hair from my face. "I feel we still need to look at the serum for Mr. Matthews. How is he looking today?"

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