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I was at home when I came to. Phillip towered over me, and Maria was running around bringing things into the room. I looked at Phillip and felt my head swimming. I touched my neck and glared at him.

"You sedated me?" I growled.

"You were angry," he answered defensively.

"What do you expect me to be?" I tried to sit up, but my head was still spinning.

"I expect you to listen," he bit at me.

"Listen to what, you murdering bastard?" I looked around the room. He had covered every item that could provide a reflective surface.

"Jesus, Gretel. Can you stop being so mean for one second and just listen?" He sat down at the end of the bed and ran his fingers through his hair.

I latched my mouth shut but motioned for him to continue.

"My father met Lidia at one of the Queen's galas. She already knew the circumstances of my mother's death. They discussed some specific ways that she could be brought back. They concocted this plan. They figured that if I were to marry a woman of ancient blood our children would be powerful beyond measure. Lidia went on to tell my father of this procedure she had been perfecting called a core transplant. She said that she had tested it several times by using her daughter as the test subject." He pressed his fingers into the corners of his eyes. "I mean those that were successful were already marked for death. If they could make it past Lidia's daughter without so much as being noticed it was a success."

"What does that have to do with our children?" I frowned

"Mags, James, Alec, Doris, and Michael somehow managed to be born mortal; even though you are a skinwalker, and I am a mix of Hunter and Witch. Lidia had nothing to work with. Originally, they were not supposed to die. They were just going to be upgraded. When my father found out they were human, he lost it." He looked at me, and I saw the pain.

"Why did you choose me?" I was calming but still did not trust him.

"Your blood. I honestly did not think you would go for it, but Lidia was so certain that you would just because it was a free trip to America. She knew you would give her name the moment it came out that we wanted to resurrect someone. I have to admit she was right about most things, it is just so confusing that our children didn't have a single morsel of magic within them." He squeezed his eyes closed.

"Did you ever care about me?" I sighed. Might as well ask this question while I had the chance.

"I have always cared about you." He seemed shocked that I was concerned about this.

"Do you regret marrying me?" I sniffed. Why the hell did I care if he regretted it or not?

"There were days, but I couldn't see anyone else that would have put up with me all these years." He let out a little laugh.

"So, what do we do now?" Why wasn't I listening to the little voice in the back of my head?

"I don't know. I could not live through losing another child. I can hardly stand seeing Mags every day." He shook his head. "Let's start over. I will leave the medical center in Lidia's hands. We can even bring Mag's home. Or we can all go on vacation. You like France in the spring." He tried to smile.

"Why did you let her run your life?" I sighed.

"She's on my father's payroll. I don't exactly get much of a choice." He huffed.

"Just like you didn't have much of a choice when he sacrificed our children?" I raised my eyebrows.

"Let's just bring Mags home. You know about her, now we can be a family." He grabbed my hands.

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