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Some would call me a freak for sharing details with the human world about my first kill. This is something that one just does not do in the natural world. I was merely a child sleeping in my bed when the boogeyman came out of my closet and insisted on attacking me. I had screamed, knowing full well the old lady that looked after me was hard of hearing, and most likely would not come running to my rescue. I did the only thing that I knew, and that was fight back. The creature was tall and dark with blood red eyes. His body was colored a deep blue, and his smile was filled with sharp white teeth that gnashed at me hungrily. He was everything that a child would fear.

I remember when my hands slid neatly into his skin and secured themselves around his central core. He had bucked and bit and screeched, but I held on as his soul slowly crept up my arms and into my body. Before I knew it, that mean boogeyman was lying dead at my feet.

By the time the old woman came to see me I had already begun trying to hide the body. I had no idea what I had done, and the fear I was feeling only increased my confusion of the whole mess. I did not know that the demon would eventually turn to dust and leave no trace that it was ever inside my room.

I had always had a problem eating regular human food. Sure, I could still choke it down for the pure image of the whole mess. I even used the bathroom like an ordinary person. I sometimes get hunger pains that an occasional snack of crackers will fix. The difference was when I was hungry it was not for a piece of chicken and a warm roll. No, in fact, it was more of the essence found inside the beast's body. Monsters have always been my sustenance of choice. Now you might think that they were all like the boogeyman that came after me that night and you would be wrong. I classify a Monster as any creature that is meant to harm good people.

Vampires will tell you that nothing can kill them. That they are invincible to any attack. Those monsters had never met me in a dark alleyway when I was out for the hunt. Those in Europe seemed to be on the same path as myself when it came to the feed. Stay with the wicked and the pretty blonde with blood red eyes will not eat your soul. There are still those that roam the streets with no knowledge of who or what I am. I blame their creators for that. They should have been taught that evil actions will only get you killed.

Vampires were not the only ones that often fell victim in the beginning. I had my fair share of wereanimals, a few fairies, and even a demon or two. Still the most satisfying were the murderers and rapists that walked the red-light districts after dark. Want to know what happened to Jack the Ripper? He made an excellent snack. Occasionally a malicious spirit would wander into my presence thus postponing an outdoor hunt. Why eat something out there when it so nicely came in to see me here?

I knew not to attack anything stronger or older. I knew the ancient laws and why they were put in place. I was aware that my kind was not the only kind on the earth before the birth of Christ. I am sufficiently knowledgeable in the different genealogies and where they led down the line. I understood the first Spark was the mother of magic. The Mimic, which is me, is the mother of shifters and weres alike. Now I am not going to toot my own horn and say that I was the first Mimic ever to be created. I have a pretty good feeling that I had parents before I was found in the forest.

I had managed to decrease my need for energy as I aged. As a child, I killed at least two times a night to maintain my metabolism. Always something supernatural, and never traceable back to myself. Plus, it helped that there was nobody to leave in the street. I had slowed my usage by only reaching out to low-level spirits and not trudging into the likes of the high energy and magically inclined. To me, that was stupid to get pulled into in the first place.

Now, look at me. I am stuck between a rock and a hard place. Two Hunters and one Supreme Witch, who calls herself a Queen, all rolled into one. I began to wonder what being would have been strong enough to kill a woman such as Elizabeth Bradly. What had she done to cause another creature to end her life? How dominant was that being that slit her throat? It would have taken a woman with ten times the witches' strength to pull off that move. I was still contemplating her demise when she came walking through my front door in her astral image, trailed by a young man who looked dumbstruck.

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