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I lurched upright gripping onto my chest. Mena jumped and raced to my side.

"What happened?" she asked, pushing the stray hairs from my face.

"So much. Too much. Anthony Grimm is my grandson." I blurted out eyes wide, sweat bleeding on my forehead, and my muscles tense. Of all the things that I had seen, that was the one image that stuck with me.

"Well, that wasn't what I was expecting to hear." She laughed.

"How long was I out?" I asked, pushing myself to the edge of the bed and looking at Mena.

"Several hours. Longer than most," she replied as she dabbed a cool cloth to my face.

"Jesus," I muttered, rubbing frantically at my eyes. I felt like I had not slept a wink.

"Were any of your questions answered?" she asked pulling the cloth away and looking into my eyes.

"Yeah. I know how she was able to bypass the Reapress." I yawned. "Contract with a Demon, made after Sheridan poisoned her."

"I had heard rumor of that, but nothing ever really came of it. Many of our kind brushed it off thinking that it was just the Queen trying to take credit for something one of us did." Mena shrugged. "Anything else?"

"I think the Doctor has been behind this whole ordeal for far longer than I had suspected." I stood up slowly and stretched, feeling my muscles flex and my bones pop.

"Do you feel you are ready?" she asked me suddenly taking me by surprise.

"I'm about as ready as I'm going to be." I shrugged. "Get this, Elizabeth and Alexander had a contract as well. Phillip wasn't conceived from an affair, it was a deal that they had made in order to pass her power."

"That would make sense. When a witch has a child, they pass a portion of their power onto them." Mena answered the question I had not even asked. I knew that I passed a specific gene from me to my children, but I was unsure about what it was like with other creatures.

"Can the witch take it back?" I asked. It is not that I feared what Elizabeth would do to Phillip once she was inside another body, it was just morbid curiosity.

"If she felt it was necessary," Mena answered, catching on to what I was getting at. "You don't think she would do that to him do you?"

"I wouldn't put it past her." I groaned.


Mena left shortly after our talk. It was nearing dawn, and I felt that now was better than waiting. I showered and dressed, trying to figure out exactly what I wanted to do. How was I going to infiltrate the hospital without being caught? Then I had a horrific thought. I could always go in looking like Michael. A majority of the beings inside the medical facility would not be able to see through my change, but there was a chance that both Lidia and Phillip would. It was worth the risk. I made my way to my car and threw my bags in the truck with the boxes of memories from the house. I had initially intended on stopping in and taking Mr. Grimm with me. However, knowing how he felt about me, it was probably in my best interest to leave things as they were. Elizabeth could have this one, if it meant I could get both Elle and Mags away.

I drove around for a bit before the pull hit me. I was sure it was some magical force that Lidia had created that would draw beings in. She had no use for humans, at least not for her standard procedures. She liked to experiment more on the supernatural community. Still, the pull was strong, and within twenty minutes I was pulling into the parking lot of the hospital. I willed the change and checked the mirror. Nobody other than my two most significant enemies would be able to see through what I had done.

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