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The File of Magdalena Bradly:

Age: 20 Cause of Death: Gunshot Wound to the Torso, Leg, and Shoulder

Day One: Subject's body has been exhumed from her grave. While slightly decayed The Doctor instantly began work on the reanimation process.

Day Two: Body was submerged in a healing solution. While some of the visible tissue did heal the test did not conclude as successful. Mags' left leg had to be fixed with sutures after the solution bath.

Day Three: The Doctor performed a Necromancy spell to bring Mags' soul back from the nether realms. Once we thought the young woman was a lost cause, she began to breathe on her own.

Day Four: Mags' is fully awake and aware of what is happening. She knows that she is to have no contact with her mother or brothers. The Doctor has continued her healing baths in hopes of changing Mag's green skin back to its standard rosy color.

Day Five: Mag's is up and moving. I have brought several items of hers from the house. Including her diary, several changes of clothes, and quite a few of the books from her collection. Gretel is none the wiser, as she is still mourning the loss of our firstborn.

Day Six: Mag's is moving around the hospital now. Mind you she has a severe limp in her left leg. The Doctor was not successful in changing her skin pigment, leaving Mags a light green hue.

I could not make it past the first six entries in the file. My Mags was alive, and Phillip had been hiding it from me. I slammed the file shut and moved it to the side. My theory had been debunked. I had prayed that Phillip had nothing to do with the death of our dear daughter. Now I was questioning my own thoughts on the ordeal. What had he done?

The File of James Bradly

Age: 15 Cause of Death: Blunt Force Trauma to the Head following a fatal car crash.

Day One: Subjects body has been exhumed from his grave. The body of James has far more damage than his older sister. I am not sure if this will be successful.

Day Three: Body of James Bradly was returned to his burial site after it was found his soul had been detached from its shell longer than anticipated. The body was too damaged to try a core transplant. The Doctor declined the use of this subject.

I was livid when I put James's file to the side. The pictures inside the manila folder made my skin crawl. What made them think that it was perfectly acceptable to do this to a child?

The File of Alec Bradly

Age: 17 Cause of Death: Influenza

Day One: Body was exhumed today. Alec looked so peaceful in his death that I almost covered the casket with dirt and told The Doctor the body wasn't usable. I, instead had the body brought back to the center where The Doctor instantly laced him in the healing bath.

Day Two: No response from the bath. The Doctor has commenced a Necromancy spell to bring the soul of young Alec back from the dead.

Day Three: The spell was unsuccessful, and the Doctor concluded that Alec's soul could not be reattached, as it had been away for the vessel for too long. He is a perfect candidate for the core transplant.

Day Four: Core transplant went as expected. Alec's body now holds the soul of a being trying to outrun the Reaperess. Since the body is young enough, it should give the spirit a substantial life expectancy.

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