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I slept quite well on the large bed in the master suite. The boys were both crashed out on the couch when I woke up the next morning. All that fighting for what room they wanted, and they both fell asleep on the damned couch. I rolled my eyes as I padded barefoot into the kitchen to make coffee. I had no more than taken two drinks when there was a knock on the door. I let out a heavy sigh and placed the mug on the counter before heading towards the front door.

"Good morning Mrs. Bradly. I trust you slept well?" Xic asked with a big shit eating grin on his face. I was not going to be able to handle someone being super perky first thing in the morning.

"I did, thank you. Can I offer you some fresh coffee?" I asked, opening the door wide enough so he could enter.

"It's nice to see that someone other than myself, enjoys a nice hot cup of joe first thing in the morning." He graciously accepted and entered the apartment behind me.

"Creamer or sugar?" I asked pulling a second mug from the cabinets.

"Oh no. I like it black as my heart." He let out a comical laugh, and the boys jumped up from there slumber on the couch rubbing their eyes and staring at me like I had interrupted their beauty sleep. If they wanted to sleep in, they should have slept in the damn beds.

"As you wish." I poured him a cup and handed it to him.

"Nothing as wonderful as coffee if you ask me. Sure, soda has its charm, but there is just something about coffee." He took a sip and let out a triumphant sigh.

"So, what brings you here so early this morning?" I asked leaning against the counter and smelling the sweet aroma from my cup.

"There is a meeting that you need to attend. It will give you a moment to meet the two girls that are here." He took another sip, and his eyes rolled into the back of his head. This man sure loved his coffee.

"Two?" I asked. He had only mentioned one.

"Oh yes. Kristalinda Kross has also joined us here." He winked.

"Kristalinda, as in the Doctor's daughter?" I asked.

"The one and only." He smiled. I do not think he really had any idea the power that was in his hands.

I was wondering what this woman was trying to pull. Sure, she had heard the story from Lilliana's mouth, but still, something was not quite right. There was far more to this summons than a child. They were going to try and stop Alexander and Philip from resurrecting Elizabeth. Talk about putting your nose where it doesn't belong. Then again, I guess it was Dawn's business. If Elizabeth were to be brought back, she would be right back where she started with the whole Hybrid Queen ordeal. Maybe I had a little more respect for her than I initially thought.

"Well isn't that interesting. Kristalinda was not very fond of her mother, but still wanted acceptance. My daughter knows her well as they spent several summers together at the medical research facility." I frowned. I hated that it was called so many things. Did it even have a name yet? One that would stick out and make sense. Hell, Lidia was still afraid to use her own name and was always hiding behind the simple term of Doctor.

"Yes, your daughter. Magdalena was her name correct?" he asked a little smile forming on his face.

"I may have misinterpreted you, sir. It seems you know far more about me than I know about you." I laughed. It was odd having someone near me that probably knew my life stories better than I did.

"Many do." He laughed. "Your man servants may want to get dressed before gracing the Celestials themselves. I suggest armor, you never know what Lucifer has up his sleeve."

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