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Everyone was preparing for Freia's great escape from Heidi's core, that nobody had a spare moment to discuss what I had learned from Holden Mitchell, the warlock trapped in Nathan Lane's young body. When I was able to pull Prudence to the side, she gave me a pat on the shoulder and a "we'll talk later". I hated feeling like I was already letting this man down. Yeah, he was hijacking a boy's body, but it was not on his terms. He went through the whole ordeal thinking he was going to beat death. In a way, I guess he did.

Dawn had prepared the largest room available for the spell. Everyone was in attendance, even Elle sat there holding onto baby Charlotte, running her fingers softly over the babies' hair. I guess Prudence was not kidding when she said any power was good power. It was a bit shocking to see the body of Freia laying on a gurney in the middle of the room, and an empty one right next to it. The lights had been dimmed, and candles covered just about every surface that would hold them. White-clad witches stood in each corner their heads down, chanting under their breaths.

"Are you ready for this?" Prudence asked, lightly touching me on the shoulder.

"I am curious to see if it works," I admitted smiling at her.

"Once everything is done, and Freia is in recovery you and I will discuss the odd case of Holden Mitchell." She winked at me, and I felt a warmth in my chest. I had been afraid she was brushing me off earlier. I really did not want her to be like everyone else in my life. I wanted to feel that she was genuine.

"Sounds great."

Prudence took to the center of the room as the hospital's doctor wheeled an unconscious Heidi in. I was pretty sure it was supposed to be this way. Even I would hate to be awake as my soul was moving from one body to another.

"My esteemed colleague will be passing out a paper here in just a moment. On this paper is a chant that is used to move one spirit to another vessel. It will not attack young Heidi, but it will remove Freia from the child and place her nicely back into her own body. If you do not understand the language that is fine, you can chant the same words in English. We are all here to bring this young witch back to her previous form. After which, I invite you all to make her feel welcome in an otherwise new home." Prudence nodded to the doctor as he began to pass papers around the room.

The sheet had maybe three lines of Latin on it, with English translation underneath. I knew the language in an earlier life, but never went further with it once English was introduced. I guess I should have held on to the dialect as it was still needed in magic. Maybe I could make my way through the words if I sounded them out slowly. She did not mention once that it had to be in unison.

Prudence put up her hands, and the room went silent. It was time.

I leaned back in my seat and glanced at the young girl and the lifeless body next to her. If this worked, there was good chance that we could remove all non-threatening invaders from the child hosts bodies. That would relieve any stress that would be put on me having to decline a cleansing due to the spirits indifferent nature.

The chanting began as Prudence placed herself between the two bodies. She first took the hand of the child and kissed it briefly, before grabbing the hand of the other. The chanting continued as Prudence closed her eyes and lifted her head towards the ceiling. The breeze instantly picked up in the room, and my eyes shot around looking for an open window, there was none. I do not know if my ears were playing tricks on me as the chanting audience suddenly began to grow louder in unison. The candles flickered, and the floor vibrated. I watched as a tiny blue orb crawled up Prudence's arm, went through her chest, and down her other arm. I was amazed by what I had witnessed. The chanting grew almost deafening as the blue orb nestled snuggly inside the body. I waited for movement but figured it would take time. Freia had to get used to being back where she started. Heidi did not have to give over control to her when she wanted to do something. This would be her readjusting herself to her spinal cord and brain. I had never been a spirit, but I was pretty sure that was a tricky thing to do. I looked at Elle. Her eyes were flaring as were Charlotte's. I had almost forgotten how much power radiates from a Spark. Especially one that had been untouched until Phillip came into her life.

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