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Not even thirty seconds after I entered the room Vesta came running in, her eyes the size of saucers.

"Where's Elle?" she demanded.

"You haven't seen her?" I looked at the hysterical blonde.

"She disappeared," she muttered, the tears starting to pour out of her eyes.

"What do you mean she disappeared!?" I demanded frantically.

Vesta looked at me, tears streaming down her face. She has one job to do, that was to keep Elle from disappearing. I pressed my fingertips into the corners of my eyes and tried to slow my erratic heart.

"She said she was going to the bathroom. How was I supposed to know she was going to disappear?" Vesta cried, her tiny body shaking. She anxiously rubbed at the tattoo on her wrist.

"Xic is in the nursery, take the baby to my apartment. Do not leave until I come back." I pointed at her. "The boys aren't there, but it's safe. The two of you together will ensure that Charlotte is ok."

I looked up and into Prudence's blue eyes.

"You know this wasn't her fault." She tried to plead with me, but I was not having it.

"She had one job, Prudence. She was supposed to keep Elle safe." I bit at her.

"Gretel, you can't blame her for this."

"Make sure she gets there ok. If Elle was taken, that means the city has been breached." I closed my eyes tightly. How stupid of us to think that this dimension was impregnable.

I knew Alexander far better than anyone else, even Elle who had worked for him. If he wanted something, he was going to do everything in his power to get it. Even if it meant sneaking a spy into the location, and them supplying him with information and a way to enter undetected. My eyes flew open. I knew exactly who to speak to concerning flipping sides. It really was no accident that they had wound up in the caverns dungeon, she had not overshot the location by a few hundred miles. She knew exactly what she was doing when she transported all of them. The crazy thing is, Xic did not even smell the deceit on her.

I pushed out of the hospital room and headed towards the children's wing. Emily was going to answer my questions or suffer the same fate as every single one of those malicious spirits.

She smiled the moment she saw me. Apparently, the news had not spread that the new mother had been abducted from the bathroom across from her room. It took every nerve in me not to punch her the moment her eyes hit mine. The smile faded, followed by panic as she tried to escape behind the counter.

"I can explain," she started.

"You better start now before I send you to the dark oblivion like all those spirits trapped in the children." I seethed at her.

"He has my children," she cried her eyes wide with fear.

"You don't even realize what you did!" I screamed at her. She backed up further against the countertop, lips quivering and her heart racing. I could smell the fear on her.

"What?" she asked panicked.

"He took Elle." I was just about to pounce.

"No, no that's not right. He wasn't supposed to touch Elle or the baby." She murmured the words.

"Then who was he supposed to take?" I demanded my blood boiling over.

"He was supposed to take you." Emily's eyes hardened. "You are his son's wife. You don't belong here."

Mimic (Wardens Legacies - Ancient Blood III)Where stories live. Discover now