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I sent word to Lidia shortly after the wedding. I explained that I had two very interested clients that wanted to meet with her concerning the rebirth of a lost soul. I purposefully left out the fact that the soul belonged to my mother-in-law. I also failed to mention that I was slightly uneasy about the whole idea. I had done well concealing it each time that Elizabeth so graciously invade my body.

Phillip and I now shared a bedroom, which made Elizabeth's constant intrusion even more annoying. I could not have an intimate moment with my husband for the life of me. Even with her continually talking babies in my ear. He was becoming irritated by the intrusions as well. He went so far as to write up a contract that allowed his mother access to me only during daylight hours, and only with his consent. I admit it stung a little that he felt he had enough of control on me to write up such a horrendous document. I started to wonder if he genuinely believed he owned me.

Lidia's response came several weeks later. I honestly believed she would chastise me for outing her to a group of Hunters, but she seemed pleased to assist. Said that she would take the first train to the city. She asked to meet with me first before being brought in to meet the clients. Of course, I would oblige her in that aspect. I had gone against our pact, and yet she seemed pleased to come to the rescue as Lidia often did.

I ran into Phillip's office with letter tightly gripped in my hands. He looked up at me and smiled.

"What is it?" he asked.

"I have a letter from Lidia!" I exclaimed waving it around.

"What did she say?" He got up and raced towards me grabbing my shoulders softly.

"She said she's coming." We danced around the office laughing.

"It's really going to happen." His excitement made me feel giddy.

He kissed me deeply, and we became caught up in the moment. We made love on the study floor.


Lidia showed up on our doorstep a week later with two bags, wearing a black dress and a gaudy black hat. We had embraced and laughed as I brought her inside the lavish mansion.

"You have done quite well or yourself this time. This is so much nicer than that drab shop you had in London." She took off her hat, and her brown hair swung down to the small of her back.

Lidia would be considered a handsome woman for the time. She was usually in the latest fashion and wore her make-up with perfection. This would probably be the reason why the Grim Reaper had been so taken with her; they had a beautiful daughter who spent all her time at her father's. Lidia was also cold-hearted, which made being a mother excruciating for her, hence why she so willingly gave the child to him. She was no more meant as a mother that she was a wife. Lidia chewed up and spit out every one of her ex-husbands. Hell, half the time she used them for her experiments. While she was not a good woman, she was far from a monster, and I never felt it necessary to take her life force. She was my friend and had been for a very long time.

"Please, come in. I will have one of the servants take your bags to your room. Come with me I want you to meet my husband." I grabbed her hand and began to pull her towards the kitchen. I knew Phillip would be making his lunch about this time.

"This man must really make you happy. A step up from the last one you married."

She had never approved of my marriage, or of the children that I had with mortal men. I think it had more to do with the fact that none of them were like me. She was in for a pleasant surprise when she realized that I had married a powerful witches son. I came to a stop in the kitchen just as Phillip was taking a bite of his food. He looked up at the two of us and instantly threw the food back onto the plate, as he got up to meet her.

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