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I left Holden once he became tired, promising to return as soon as I was able. I confided in him of the plan to bring in more security. Without hesitation, he agreed that the idea was smart, and offered additional names if we needed more people. With a squeeze of the hand, I left him to rest. There was still time before I spoke with Freia. So, I took over one of the rooms and sat down to read the papers that Holden had given me. I admit I was scared when I opened the letter. I had no idea what I was going to find written on those pages. Once my eyes hit the words, there was no stopping the amount of motherly love that flowed through me.

Dearest Mother,

If you are reading this, then you know that I am still alive, or at least was. I have been trying to find the right time, words, and situation to get word to you that I am, or was, still living. After the accident dad exhumed my body and Lidia did her voodoo and brought me back. I was different though. Dad said that during the procedure Lidia had found a way to unlock the dormant gene that connected me to his gifts.

For the first few years, dad told me I could not go home because you believed I was dead and had moved on. He promised me that when the time was right, he would tell you that the procedure had been successful. I asked for quite a few years if it was time yet. He said to me that you had two more boys and had left. I was angry. He had told me you knew, and then I heard you were gone.

The last time I saw you was the day that dad planted the files in his office. I knew it was wrong of him to do. I remembered all the times he came home drunk, and you would take the beatings like they were normal. You did not deserve to have your heart broken more than it already was. I remember looking in on you as you slept, wishing that I could wake you and feel like the boy I was when I was well, alive.

I want you to know that I do not agree with the terms that dad and Lidia have laid out for Mags and me. We are not allowed outside in public, not allowed to have friends, we are barely allowed to see each other. Dad said that you brought Mags home for some time when he was trying to win you over again. I do not know why he does that. Every time you start to pull away, he thinks that he needs to woo you back as a reminder that you are contracted to him by law. When I ask him about your marriage, he reminds me that you two are not in love, and that the whole ordeal is meant as nothing more than a reason for procreation. He said that you were part of the entire plan, knowing full well what the outcome was going to be overall. I have a feeling that is a lie and you, in fact, do not know anything about the experiments that go on here.

I would love to go on and on about the things I have seen, but as I am constantly changing the course of this letter, I can tell you this. Get Mags out of there. If it is true, and I am gone there is nobody left to protect her. Grandpa is not as strong as he used to be, and he lacks the clout to pull her from the medical wing. Mags knows where I kept my journal. It recounts each and every detail of the items that I saw while there. She has made sure to save my notes and has even added her own. I feel that you may be in need of these items. I do not agree with what grandpa and dad are doing, and I think you may be the only one to stop it.

Most likely you have found a way to repurpose my body, and I hope that whoever is now using it is kind enough to write out these words that I have kept in the back of my brain. I love you, mom. I wish that I could have had the last few years by your side, and not doing whatever grandpa and dad tell me to. I just pray that it was not you that took my life. Remember to save Mags before they do to her what they have been threatening for the last decade. I hope to see you in Heaven, I will save you a seat.




I placed the papers on the table in front of me and took a breath. I fought the urge to cry. How could I have left them behind? I knew he was right. I had to get Mags out of there before something horrible happened to her. I stood up and straightened my shirt, picked up the papers, and placed them in my pocket. I was going to have to thank Holden for giving me that last moment with my son. I looked at the time. I had just enough to get with Freia. I left the room and walked down the hallway towards her room. There was an eerie silence in the hall as I made my way to her door. I was not sure if something was happening, or if I just imagined everything.

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