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Shortly after arriving at the house the Queen had told me of, I began to meet others of my kind. It seemed this town had somehow managed to attract so many different creatures. The vast majority of the gifted were nothing more than core carriers of the elemental persuasion. Still, many shifters and weres of both pureblood and hybrid status began to appear on my door. I am not sure how the word got out that I was one of them, but they each came to me with a need for protection. At one point I even had a few witches show up and ask if they could ward the property against evil invaders.

This was before the scrimmages began to break out across the country. It seemed the supernatural and paranormal words were living in harmony. We had jobs, families, paid mortgages, and had sleepovers with human and sup alike. It did not make sense why they believed that anyone would be out to get them. Still, I took in quite a few beings and employed them with different jobs around the house. They were instructed that my two children were human, and while they were aware of the world around them, the sight of these creatures' mutations could very well frighten them. Still, being the woman that I was, I accepted everyone.

This was not exactly what I had meant when I said I needed to be around like-minded beings. However, given the circumstances, it was not a bad move. By the end of six months, a good sixty people were living on the property. They built their own homes and supported the group. The next thing I knew I was somehow running a commune of animalistic creatures. The children loved the fact that for the first time they had real friends they could play with. They were able to attend a public school and be a part of all human benefits.

It indeed was a happy time. I made friends. Realize, I have not had a real friend since Lidia, and while I was afraid that some of them might similarly backstab me. I knew that none of them wanted to use my children as experiments to see if their deranged grandmother could possess them. So, the kids grew, and as they grew so did the commune. By the time the boys were graduating high school, we had a rather large community living on the land. I had already bought out several of the other houses and some farmland. We grew and hunted our own food. The only place that we were at on a regular basis was Walmart.

There is one thing that I can say about the American nation. Walmart is the best place to shop. I clothed a good hundred kids at a time. Everyone was living in harmony. The mortals thought we were a little weird, but that was perfectly fine. We kept them safe without ever really telling them what we were doing.

By the late 90's things had started to heat up between the purebloods and the hybrids. Sheridan never came out to make sure that we were ok, and I never once came across Phillip. I was cautious though, I hid my own reflection from the world. While once the boys were old enough, I no longer needed to alter theirs.

I longed for Mags to be with us in this new place. She would have loved living a life where she would not have to worry how the others saw her. I had all kinds of colors living in the backyard. Still, she had been animate that she was meant to stay at the hospital. She felt like she did not belong at any other time but the 30s, and the safest place for her was in the ward watching over her father. I missed her, but I admit these people kept me busy.

I enjoyed my time with those that sought me out for safety. We established strong bonds. Still, if I was not careful, I would feel the presence of Elizabeth Bradly looming over me. Thanks to the beings that were around me I never had a weak moment. They made sure I was amply fed, just as they were. I learned self-defense maneuvers that would have come in handy the first stretch of my lifetime. I even discovered that I was an extremely passive person and had to be shown that aggression was indeed needed.

When the boys turned eighteen I had a visitor come from far away. She was tall and thin with pale skin and dark black eyes. She was not a threat to me or anyone in the commune, but she came with news of my old life. She had taken it upon herself to seek me out to warn me.

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