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While I would love to say that my meeting with the council went well, I had a feeling that I may have scared them more than actually helped. I felt there was enough sugar coating going around, they needed some straightforward answers. Yes, both God and Lucifer should have spent a little more time deciphering everything that had to do with Elizabeth. Maybe, they should have paid more attention in 1902. Perhaps some amnesty should have been offered to Elle before she was forced to jump out a hospital window. Either way, someone dropped the ball somewhere, and we were stuck with the backlash.

"Penny for your thoughts?" I heard a tiny voice behind me, and I slowly turned. I felt her power before my eyes focused on her face. It was just what I needed, to be near yet another of the magically gifted.

"I'm just thinking." I managed to get out, the magical scent of her was quite overbearing.

"I'm Emily." The witch held out her hand. I looked at it and with an eye roll shook her tiny appendage.

"Gretel," I answered as nicely as I could.

I had witches that lived in my commune, but none of them had her smell. However, if she was here, she must be friendly; even though her method of magic told me another story. She did not smell sweet like the white witches in the commune. She smelled sour but had just enough sugar on top that it was almost unnoticeable.

"Would you like to meet the children?" she asked, noticing my eyes kept wandering towards the medical center. I was worried that maybe they had been compromised, and Lidia had taken up shop on site. It would not shock me since her daughter was here.

"Children?" I raised an eyebrow at her.

"Yes. They were found in the old cave lair. According to Kris, they had been there since they were toddlers." Emily gave me a smile.

I will admit I was curious as to why the witch even took a chance to talk to me. I was pretty sure it was no secret here who I was and what I had been through.

"You know what..." I sighed. "Yeah, take me to the kids."

I had nothing else better to do, and by going to the medical center, I would be able to see exactly what the Fire Warden had up her sleeve.

"We actually stumbled upon one while in the dungeons of the old lair. I did not realize that was where I was aiming, but I guess I miscalculated my launch, which in turn messed up the landing. Teleportation spells have never been my forte." Emily yammered on and on about magical calculations and children. She was kind enough, but I was pretty sure she would turn sides if she had the chance. Smart yes, but probably not the loyal kind.

"Teleportation is something that takes a lot of practice to master from what I understand." I figured for it to be a two-sided conversation I better chime in from time to time.

"It's not something that I have done a whole lot. My abilities are more in protection spells and memory charms." She let out a laugh.

"Memory charms?" I asked intrigued. Had she said something she should not have?

"Not how you think. I take bad memories and make them happy." She turned around and smiled at me. "I don't have the skills to hide who someone is entirely, but if someone wants to forget about a boy they dated or a one-night stand, I'm the girl."

"So, what does a memory charm have to do with children?" I asked confused by her hot and cold nature.

"Have you ever heard of a core transplant?" she asked, and my heart stopped. How could that particular item have anything to do with the children?

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