I lost a bet!

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Shinichi's P.O.V.-

Its been three weeks since I've found out about Kaito being KID and I'm freaking out! I've been giving the idiot clues whenever I could and I did so by not being so obvious but he still couldn't figure it out! How hard is it to see that I'm Conan??

Changing the subject, my parents have gone back over seas not too long ago either and since it's spring break here, Heiji will be coming to visit. KID is still doing heists here n there and Heiji says he wants a new challenge. I honestly don't know what that even means....

"-ichi! Shinichi! Don't ignore Me! Shinichi!" Kaito says as he waves his arms frantically In front of me.

"What is it? And can you not be so informal?" I say as I snap out of my daze.

"You owe me an all you can eat sweet buffet! You lost the bet! KID was able to steal the jewel yesterday and the great detective, Kudo Shinichi couldn't stop him~!" He brags with his annoying grin.

'Only because you didn't do the usual of entertaining the crowd and just left with the jewel as fast as you came in...' I thought as irritation swelled up but when I saw him smile, I couldn't stay mad, damn!

"Your mom is going to kill me...let's go." I say as I head for the restaurant I had planned to take him. Truth is, I was going to lose this bet purposely but I don't like how he didn't even try to make this fun!

"Yay! Free sweets!" Kaito yells as he follows behind.

Kaito's P.O.V.~

I had successfully stolen another jewel again and yet again, that wasn't the jewel I was looking for. After my interaction with tantei-kun, I havent seen much of him either. Shinichi vs KID is fun and all since he is just as much of a challenge as tantei-kun but I miss him...why is love so complicated????

There has also been an increase of THEM showing up at my heists. I make sure that no one notices and no one gets hurt but this may not be enough. The heist before i had to leave early since there was a snipper and I didn't want to decrease my chances of surviving. I have things to do before i can stop being KID...

"What are you ordering?" Shinichi asks as he sips his cup of coffee and looks at the restaurants' menu.

"Ah, chocolate fudge cake! With pink lemonade! Maybe a slice of cherry pie!" I say as I finally see the kind looking waitress with a note pad suspiciously close to Shinichi.

"And what will you have, sir?" The girl says with a lovesick look in her eyes.

"Um....lemon pie and more coffee please." Shinichi answers, oblivious of the way the girl looks at him.

I don't know what took over me but I didn't like the way she looked at him so I did what I always do best. I charm her.

"Nee! Nee-san! Please accept this magician in trainings rose!" I say as I make a blue rose pop out of nowhere. Like I have predicted, she was easily swoon.

"Oh my! What a beautiful rose!" She gushes and heads for the kitchen to get our orders.

"Do you have to charm every women you come across?" Shinichi asks as he slightly glares at me.

'Whose fault is it...?!'

"I just want to see people smile!" I say as I give him my usual grin.

Shinichi hasn't known me for that long but I feel like he's known me forever. He knows already that I want to be a magician and to do so I have to be charming n flirty. I'm pretty sure he even knows when my poker face is up but doesn't comment about it.

"I'm not so sure you should do so to everyone you meet, they might be dangerous." Shinichi says as I notice the waitress come back.

'Right back at you, you un-self aware dummy.'

"Ok, MOM!" I say as I stick out my tongue.

"Here are your orders! Enjoy!" She says butting the plate of sweets on the table.

"Thanks!" I say.

"Thank you." Shinichi says.

"Um...may I know your name?" She asks shinichi. Damn! My charms didn't work this time.

"Its rude to ask fo4 names when you don't state your own." Shinichi remarks, cold.

"Ah, Right." She says dejected.

"My name's Kuroba Kaito, magician, and this is Kudo Shinichi, my date! What's your name?" I ask as I pull shinichi's face closer to mine.

The waitress, in shock, drops the coffee container right on my lap.

"Ah, sorry! That surprised me! Let me clean that up!" She says as she passes me a towel and cleans some of it off before finally giving it to me so I can clean myself properly.

"I'm so sorry!" She says again.

"I just lost a bet! This is not a date!" Shinichi, the tsundere, says as he pulls away slightly embarrassed.

"Mean~!" I pout as i look at him then my lap.

'That'll stain...' I think as I notice the waitress panicking.

"It's ok, miss...?" I say as I wave it off and instead ask for her name.

"Ah, Sayaka."

[I'm so sorry for not updating! I've had ideas for a while now but I felt too lazy and too frustrated to actually make them part of the stories. Not too long ago a member of my family passed away, emotionally I'm fine after a huge cry but that won't discourage me. Yes, I'll continue and I hope it still seems like a good fanfic.]

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