The start of a heist

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Kaito's P.O.V.~

"Botchama! When are you going to send in a advance notice?" Jii-chan asks as I practice my billiard skills.

"It has been awhile since Kid appeared, huh?" I say with kinda bored look.

Its been a week now since I've last seen tantei-kun and moved schools. I miss him. Due to his return to his home, I've not had motivation to host a heist. Well, that will have to change soon or lots of speculation on Kid's disappearance will rise.

"Alright Jii-chan," I say smiling and looking ahead with determination and my famous poker face.

"Let's host a grand show!"

Shinichi's P.O.V.-

"Kudo! Oi! Kudo! Detective geek!" Sonoko yells as she waves a newspaper around.

"What is It, Sonoko?" I ask finally fed up with her yelling.

"I already told you! Catch my Kid-sama for me so I can see if he's as beautiful as I've imagined!" She says with literal hearts in her eye's pupils. How is that even possible? (Try to catch the reference).

"I already told you, I don't deal with theifs but with homicides." I say for like the tenth time.

Truth is, I actually want to see Kid but it will be kinda weird if Kudo Shinichi out of nowhere gets interested in Kid's affairs. I miss him...damn my sappy side!

"Well, I'd ask Ran but she might break his bones if she uses her karate on him and Kaito says he can't go and fight against his idol.


"And... the little guy I usually ask...went back to his home..." she says with a dejected look.

'Argh!!! You never even liked me as Conan anyways...!!!'

"Fine! But I'll only do it out of curiosity not because of you!" I say, and it's true! But mostly because I miss Kid's heists

"Thank you, kudo! Your not so bad after all."


"So, Kaito, I heard your a fan of Kaitou Kid, right?" I ask during lunch.

"Yep! He's a magician! And he never gets caught! He gets points for that!" He answers, cheerful as always.

"I know right! He's just so dreamy..." Sonoko adds with a huge blush.

"Don't you have a boyfriend?" Ran teases, which can be kinda rare for her to do.

"Yep, and he's perfect too, but Kid-sama is like a pop star, an idol, watch but cannot touch. It might never happen, Makoto on the other hand, will always be there for me!" She says in a happy go-lucky way.

"Anyways, are you going to tell me that kid's a criminal and all that BS like that England detective, Hakubastard?" Kaito asks with a irritated look.

"Hakubastard? Do you mean Hakuba Saguru? You know him?" I ask now curious.

"Yep, a Sherlock Holmes fan who always gave me a hard time, he was a classmate of mine in my old school." He answers while eating his food.

"Wow, the world is small." I say thinking of when I met him as Conan.

"Do you know him?" Kaito asks with a sideways look.

"Um, no, I've seen him in an article before and I just so happen to have a good memory since i remembered him when you said England detective." I answer, trying to cover up my steps, close!

"Anyways, back to Kid-sama! He has already sent an advance notice to steal a jewel that will be displayed in, of course, a Suzuki owned museum." Sonoko says as she blabs on at how awesome Kid-sama is.

'What have I gotten myself into...?'

Kaito's P.O.V.~

Today is finally Friday, the day of the heist. I'm kinda excited since Shinichi will be there to entertain me and, of course, the task force as well but this will be a night that one will never forget. I'm literally taking out the big guns to see if I can get any information on tantei-kun from shinichi as Kid as much as possible. Ran herself told me that tantei-kun and Shinichi are related and quite close too.

(For a dramatic effect),I'm on top of a building near the one where the heist will take place, costume already on and poker face intact.

"Alright," I smile at the thrill this night will give me. "Jii-chan, let's go put on a spectacular show!!"

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