And you are?

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Kaito's P.O.V.~


Its morning!

I get up only to fall off my bed then get up again. Today was the first day I'll be starting at my new school so I can't be late! Agh...! Where's my uniform?

"Kaito! You'll be late for your first day at your new school if you don't hurry!" My mother called from down stairs.

"Mom, do you know where my uniform Is?" I asked as I looked around.

'How does a magician lose their school uniform...?'

"If you can't find it, just where your old school's uniform" she said nonchalantly....helpful as always...


When I finished changing and eating, I said goodbye to my mom then headed to my new school. Tentei high.

'Kinda cliche how I moved to find someone, is this some sort of romance novel?'


When I got to the new school, I was immediately looked at by every pair of eyes there was.

'Do I look like someone...?'

After a while of searching, (and ignoring stares), I finally came across the teachers lounge where I hear a zoo...? I'm not kidding, I think I hear a lion...

"Kudo-kun! Your back!"

'Kudo-kun...? I've heard that na- wait, that Heisei Holmes...?'

I was planning to just wait till the commotion was over but it doesn't seem like it would calm down so I end up knocking and going in.

'What can possibly go wrong...?'

Shinichi's P.O.V.-

"Kudo-kun! Your back!" My teacher, (I forgot her name, writer will write it in later so let's just call her sensei), yells as she grabs everybody else's attention.

"Ah, it's true, kudo shinichi's back!""Is he back permanently?""Will he leave again?"

'So noisy...'

"I'm here to say I'm able to come back to class after a long time of absence, I hope I can work with you all. Please take care of me." I say bowing down respectfully then heading for the door.

As I'm about to reach for it, however, someone knocks and enters in a very loud way.

"I'm kuroba kaito, magician extrodinar! Nice to meet You all!" The loud stranger announces only to stop when he sees me.

"Heh~ you look alot like me, and you are~?" He asks me as he circles around me in a predator like manner. Those eyes...

"Kudo Shinichi, detective." I answer, might as well, as I observe the stranger and notice we do look alot alike.

"Kuroba kaito? Ah, you're the new transfer student, correct?" Sensei asks as she is also amazed at how similar we look.

"Correct~ a present for the young lady~" kuroba purrs as he makes a blue rose appear for sensei. One can immediately tell that sensei is charmed and likes being called young lady and that all the men in the room are irritated. Sensei is a pretty lady after all.

'A playboy...?'

"I'm a magician, I like making people smile." At that I'm reminded of someone....Kid....

"Shin-chan? Your face is red~" kuroba states teasingly. I dozed off again...!

"So impolite, and don't call me shin-chan, it's weird." I say already annoyed by the stranger.

"The more you tell someone to stop, the more they want to keep doing it, shin-chan~" he says, in a matter-a-of-fact way.

"Um....kudo-kun, kuroba-kun, we should head to class now." Sensei interrupts as she still admires the pretty blue rose.

'It is pretty...'

"Here!" Kuroba says and when I look his direction, he holds out a yellow rose just as pretty, maybe even prettier if possible.

"....thanks...." I reluctantly take it. Why not?

'It really is a pretty rose....'

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