Why Me?

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Shinichi's P.O.V.- [a day before the heist.]

"Shin-chan~! Guess who's home~?" A singy-songy voice yells as Haibara finishes her examination.

A little while later, there my Mom stood at the doorway to the library with teary eyes and my dad behind her.

"You really are back, shin-chan!" She says as she tackles me with a bone crushing hug.

"M-mom...! C-can't breath..." I say before a load of the coughy fits gets to me and mom let's me go.

"This is not good..." Haibara says as she pulls me all the way to Agasa's house.

"Haibara, what's not good?" I ask as I notice my parents following us right after.

"The antidote was suppose to neutralize the side effects of the poison APTX-4869 so you are able to turn back to Kudo Shinichi but this time perminantly like I just told you a few minutes ago. However, it didn't do so completely, so like how you were before, whenever your immune system was weak as Conan, it turned you into Shinichi depending on the circumstances.

The day i gave you the antidote and I though you were reversed back, you also happened to have a cold and I myself had witnessed you convert yourself right back into Conan and vise-versa to Shinichi." She said as she looked around for her computer to possibly write everything down.

"Then that means in simpler terms that-"

"Every time your immune system is weak, you convert back into Conan but after your immune system is healthy again, you are reversed back into Shinichi, correct?" My dad pitches in.

"Correct." Haibara says still on her computer.

"So, if I'm remotely sick, I'll revert back to Conan?" I ask as I start feeling dizzy.

"I'm not entirely sure since this is all just a theory." She says.

"Oh, my poor baby!" My mom weeps as she comes to hug me again but not as strong.

"There is also a possibility that excessive amount of stress can also-"

At that, I stop listening to what Haibara is telling me. My head is hurting. My breath is becoming shallow. It's hard to sit straight, I'm passing out.


Gah! Agh....!!


"Shinichi! Shin-chan!"

"Call Agasa! He's upstairs!"

"Shinichi, it's going to be ok. It's going to be-"

It hurts! It hurts! It's like...!


I'm in pain, my bones are burning, my skin is melting...! I want it to stop...please...Make it stop...


"Kudo? Are you awake? Kudo?"

Is it morning...I'll be late for school...wait, it's Friday, right? The heist....Kid...


"...Haibara...?" I ask as I open my eyes entirely to see I'm in my room again.

"What happened?" I'm confused, wait. My voice...! It's of a child again...?!?

I sit up only for a headache to hit me and I lay down again. After a while, my parents come inside the room, my mom with a glass of water at hand for me. She gives it to me and after drinking it, two things are clear. One: my body doesn't hurt, which means, two:.....I'm Conan again...

"Why today of all days...will i be stuck as Conan?" I ask, I don't even have to look at myself to make sure I'm back to being Conan.

"No, you'll be back after your immune system gets better. I'll be back with medicine." Haibara says as she leaves the room.

'So reassuring...'

"Did you have plans today?" My mom asks as she looks around my room for clothes.

'These ones are sweaty....'

"Yes, I was supposed to attend a heist as Shinichi." I answer as I sit up again. I have no reason to lie.

"A heist?" My dad asks with a kinda disbelieving look on his face.

"Yes, kaitou Kid's heist." I say helplessly.

"Why don't you just go as Conan?" My mom asks.

'Because as Conan, I said to Kid that we might not see each other ever again... I'll look dumb if i go now....'

"Well, I know the owner of the jewel that Kid will be stealing. Want me to ask if he can just let us in?" My mom asks.

'How many people does she know?'

"No, It's o-"

"Then it's decided! Let me call real quick." Mom says as she leaves my room.

"W-wait!" I yell after her but she is gone.

'There she goes again...isn't this going too fast?'

"You have a weird mother after all..."

"And you a weird wife...."



After alot of dragging around and looking around, my mother finds me an outfit she is both happy and satisfied for me to wear.

"Y'know, I could have just worn my usual..." I say as I look like a literal spoiled rich kid.

"Nonsense shin-chan! Formal wear, they said, formal wear. And since you asked for a disguise, I wanted to go all out!"

'Yep, a weird mom indeed...'

Well, since you might not now what I look like readers, I'll be explaining it to you now. My mother made me wear a light brown wig with green eye contacts and a little bit of make up to look paler then usual. I'm also wearing a pair of blue jean shorts with a green dressing shirt. Foolproof disguise...!

'This story is literally all over the place...' I think.


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