Is this...the end...?

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(Its been a while) Kaito's P.O.V.~

There he was and there he stood, the boy that has sparked my interest, with the witch, the bastard, and the alarm clock.

'Oi oi, how does Hakubastard know my tantei-kun...?'

"Um, excuse me sir, but would you like to dance with me?" A random girl asks out of nowhere.

"I'd love to, m'lady, but I simply cannot, it was nice meeting you," I say with a gentle smile on as I do my usual and kiss her hand then proceed to give her a blue rose. "Farewell!"

'I wonder how I'm still single with my looks...'


"KAITOU KID!!! SURRENDER TO THE LAW!!!" Nakamori-keibu yells as usual.

For some strange reason I can't seem to find tantei-kun.... Aoko and Akako already left for some sleep over, the little girl that came with tantei-kun is just watching the show with the most evilist grin on, and Hakuba's knocked out, tipical.

'He must be already on the roof...gotta finish this quick...'

I dressed up the task force with animal theme-like costumes, Nakamori-keibu-chan in a bunny outfit.

'Now for the real fun!'

As I'm about to run for the roof, the little girl actually moves and stands before me.

'When did she...?'

"Take me to the roof with you, I'm bored here, I promise not to get involved in any sort of way." The look she gave was a sad one, like she just lost someone so I didn't deny.

"I hope you don't feel uncomfortable being carried, goldy locks." I say as I cradle her in my arms.

'So light...I have gadgets that weigh more than her...'

"Do you eat properly, little lady?" I ask as I start to run.

"Do you steal a lot, KID?" She answers back.

"Quite alot actually, it's in the job description." I answer with a playful smile.

'We're on the 10th floor, 5 more floors left...'

"What do you think of Edogawa-kun?"

I almost fell on a step, that was does one answer to that?

"He has a brilliant mind for a 7 year old. Why do you ask, little miss?" I say, with my poker face on. How can I forget my poker face? Must have been having too much fun

"Curiosity..." she mumbles.

From then on, we just went in silence, a comfortable silence really.


"Tantei-kun~ A friend came with me to watch so care to play~?" I say as I let the girl down and wander around.


"I'm right behind you, Kid."

I turn around but only see the little girl....oh...oh!

" look nice in girl clothes~." I tease as he pulls the wig and face mask off. "Were you too lazy to chase me so you dressed up so I can carry you?"

"....I'm here to say goodbye..." he says with a broken look.

"Bye? You just got here tantei-kun." I say with confusion in my voice.

"What I mean is, I'm going back to my family, my old life, what I used to be." He says looking down.

"Used to be? Can you explain?" I'm so confused right now and something tells me I don't want to know the answer to my question.

"You will never see Edogawa Conan again."

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