Bonding and Naps

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Shinichi's P.O.V.-

'Kid is Kaito???? The Kaitou Kid, the one I kissed not too long ago as Conan. M-my current love interest is actually my classmate?? And a person I hang out with at that??'

Ok, ok, call down Shinichi, I might be wrong, this is all just speculation...

Of course I'm not wrong! Kaito just called me Tantei-kun, a name only Kid calls me! And he was kissed by someone he likes, which has to be me, well, Conan since Conan kissed Kid and kid said he likes me back, just like Kaito said the person that kissed him was someone he likes.

I had a cold and must have given it to Kid since i got better the next day after our little kiss and Kaito got a cold from someone who kissed him, that's proof enough! Plus! Kaito said he moved because he is looking for someone and the only reason he'll move here is because that person lives here or used to which also happens to be where Conan used to live. If he really is Kid, the only place he can go to look for clues about Conan is to move here, the place Conan used to live. They are both magicians and the list goes on an on!

'Awahwahwahwah!' I'm hyperventilating!

"Mmm...." i hear Kaito stir in his sleep and I end up noticing just how cute he looks asleep...his lips are quite pinkish too......bad Shinichi!

"Tantei.....kun...." I'm blushing now, he must really like me if he's calling out for me while he sleeps and has a happy look to him.

'I wonder if the dream is nice...

..looking at him kinda makes me tired too...' I think as I sit down on the floor, my back resting on Kaito's bed as I'm dozing off little by little.

'Just a little...small...nap...'

Kaito's P.O.V.~

'....where...? Ah, that's right, Shinichi took me to the infirmary...where is he?'


When I hear that, I sit up quickly, trying to see where that voice came from to see shinichi sleeping next to my bed.

"Ah, student. You must be Kaito, right? Another student came to check on you guys earlier because you didn't attend class, when they saw you both sleeping, they told me to just leave you two be since you looked tired. It's already the end of the day so when your friend wakes up, please leave." The person I guess is the nurse says as she leaves the room.

'So...Shinichi stayed with me till my cold went down...' I deduced due to the fact that there was medicine, wet towels, and a glass of water next to my bed stand.

When I look back at Shinichi again, I notice our backpacks are here as well  with a sticky note attached.

[To whoever reads this first, Sonoko and I were worried since you two didn't come back to class and it was almost the end of the day. When we saw you guys sleeping, we decided it's best to just leave you guys be so we brought you guys your backpacks so you don't worry about the teacher closing the classroom. I also left you guys your missing class notes so thank me later.] -Ran.

'She's so nice!' I think as I start to stand and stretch.

"Hey, Shin-chan! Wake up! Hey!" I yell moving my hand in front of his face, trying to wake him up.

"Mm...yes...?" He asks still in a sleepy state.

"Shin-chan~ Who do you like?" I ask, trying to take advantage of his state of being. I can already guess he likes Ran by the way he's always so over protective of her but I want to use this as black mail. Mwahahaha!


"Ah, I almost forgot my keys." The nurse says as she re-enters the room, interrupting my little interrogation.

'Dammit!' I think.

"You should be careful next time, miss." I say, waving her off as she leaves again with a smile.

"Kaito....? Where are we?" Shinichi asks from behind me as he rubs the sleepiness off his eyes.

"In the infirmary. Here, Ran left us this note." I say as I pass him the note and I pick up my backpack.

"Ah....I'm hungry..." he mumbles.

'Well, we did skip lunch...'

"Want to go for something?" He asks me as he also stands up and grabs his backpack, still kinda sleepy but not as much as a while ago.

"Ok, you pay!" I say with a grin and I notice Shinichi avert his eyes with his cheeks tinted pink.

'Is he sick...?'

"...ok." he says as he walks ahead, me chasing after him.


Since school is starting again, I won't be able to update 2 chapters a day like the last following week has let me do. I hope that you can all still continue reading and if possible I will still try to update a day, if possible since I like my story so far. Thanks for reading!

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