Protective • Conor

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Carrying Conor Maynard's baby is probably hard. I can only imagine what that would feel like. He might be a bit worried, and a tad protective, and cute.

But I'm carrying two. Twins.

"You okay?" Conor looks at me worriedly as we pull up outside the venue of his show tonight. There's fans screaming and awaiting him outside.

"Gorgeous I told you, we're fine" I smile, placing a hand on my rather big stomach.

"Are you sure?"

"Yes Conor" I giggle. He looks at me unconvincingly before leaning over the front seat to the taxi driver and the body guard, Phil.

"Keep her extra safe man" He jokes.

"You've got my word" Phil smiles at me through the rear-view mirror.

I playfully roll my eyes before stepping out the warm taxi. We're welcomed by hundreds of screaming fans and bodyguards as far as the eye can see. I pull my coat tighter around my stomach before being stood in front of by Phil and boxed in by another guard.

"Phil" I laugh.

"Sorry, bosses orders" He says before I'm walked into the venue, fully surrounded like Kim Kardashian or something.

Once safely inside, I shake my head at the guards and they both laugh. This has happened too many times since I've been pregnant. Even before we found out it was twins I've been surrounded every time.

"Are you-"

"Shut up" I lightly slap Conor's arm as he goes to ask the same three word question again.

All of a sudden the back stage doors fly open and the hundreds of fans flood inside the building. They scream and call for Conor who gets cornered away by security and I'm left in the middle by myself. My eyes widen and the crazy flood sections off towards me.




Hands fly towards my stomach and my heartbeat rises as the strangers touch my baby belly. Not in a harmful way but it's still making my breathing fast and I'm totally alone.

"Stop, please" I breathe but my voice is overruled by the excited screams. Someone grabs my wrist and I'm jolted sideways, my coat being ripped off and my stomach now even more exposed.



Tears start to sting my eyes as I scan the area for any sight of someone who could possibly help me. Conor is nowhere to be seen through the crowd and Phil is over the opposite side.
I'm a goner.


I quickly turn to see another bodyguard of Conor's. He holds his arm out to stop the crowd and then wraps it around me. I'm shielded by his bulky body and full muscles and finally led out the area. Fans still scream and hands are flung around until there's another door.

I'm pushed through it, the screams stop, and I breathe heavily.

"Are you okay, Y/n?" The bodyguard looks at me sympathetically. "We're very sorry about that"

"No no, it's fine" I lie, still breathing heavily. "W-Where's Conor?"

"He's jus-"

Before he can finish, the doors open again and Conor, Phil and two more bodyguards practically fall into the room. Conor's cheeks are flustered and his breathing matches mine.

"Y/n" He quickly runs over to me, his arms wrapping around my body. "Did they hurt you? Are you okay?"

"I'm fine" I hug his body tightly. "That was just...scary"

"I'm so sorry baby" He kisses my forehead. "As long as you three are okay"

"We're good" I smile.

"Thank god" He sighs. "I nearly had a fucking heart attack"

I laugh and snuggle my face into his warm body. It's moments like this where I really am grateful for Conor's overprotectiveness.

But I wonder what it'll be like once I actually have the babies...

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