Thunder • Jack

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Requested by: @superdeadimpala6467
Hope you enjoy!! X

Myself and Jack huddle under the blanket together, a bowl of popcorn on our laps and the TV playing the latest series on Netflix. Friday nights were always like this, one of the reasons why I was so happy to get home at the end of the week.
I'd lie and say it's because the weekend is coming, but really it's because I love spending time with Jack.

"Fuck, I'm running out" Jack sighs, looking down his bowl of popcorn which is basically empty.

"I've got loads still" I smirk and he looks at me enviously. "What?" I frown.

"Can I have some?" He pouts. His hair is ruffled up and his blue eyes sparkle in the reflection of the light. He looks...adorable?

"Er, fine" I snap from my gaze and grab a piece of my toffee popcorn, putting it into his mouth. He eats it quickly before presenting me his empty mouth again. "What are you doing?" I laugh.

"I want more" He stares at me as if it's obvious. I roll my eyes and put some more into his mouth before he pulls back and stares at the TV intently.

I gaze too back at the screen but my hearing is more drawn to the rapid pattering coming from the balcony doors. It's raining heavily outside, the sound of cars speeding past and splashing through the puddles becoming louder.
I always seem to get this nervous pit, building within my stomach anytime it begins to rain. All because of the thunder. Not the fucking thunder. It's been my biggest fear since I can remember and hasn't improved one bit.

"Jack" I whisper, my eyes suddenly widening as the rain hits down outside.

"What?" He turns his head and frowns at me. Fuck. I can't embarrass myself now...

"Oh er nothing, don't worry" I mumble, turning back to the TV. Yet I'm not actually looking at it, instead my eyes are fixated on the back doors as a light rumbling sound hinders through the atmosphere. Oh god.

All of a sudden there's a flash which blinds me momentarily, lighting up the whole room, before disappearing again. That's the lightening.

"Woah" Jack gazes at the back doors, interested. "Didn't realise it was a thunder storm"

Just at those words I feel the twist in my stomach tighten and I grip hastily onto the pillow beside me. The crashing of the thunder is the worst part.

"Four Mississippi..." Jack counts on his fingers, just as my breathing hitches. Any second now-

There's a loud crashing noise and I automatically curl up into a ball, my head in my knees. I can't do it. I never can!
Tears well up in my eyes and before I know it there's another deafening rumble. I start sobbing to myself, thinking of the worst possible outcomes for everything.
I hate this.

"Y/n?" Jack lightly shakes my shoulder but I don't answer, just sniffing. "Are you okay?"

There's another crash and I cry harder into my clothing. I can't control how scared my body is and I can't believe this is happening in front of Hack right now.

"Are you scared of the thunder?" He asks and I nod silently. "Hey, shh it's okay" His arm wraps around my body and I hug his torso tightly, burying my head in his chest.

"It's too loud" I sob, my tears slowly soaking his top just as another loud grumble shakes the flat.

"You're fine Y/n, you're safe with me yeah?" He soothes, planting a soft kiss onto my forehead. It makes me smile momentarily before I realise the world is still being shook by Mother Nature, making more tears fill my eyes again.

"Sorry" I mumble, pulling away slightly to wipe the tears off my cheeks.

"For what?" He helps by wiping some of my tears away with his thumb, gently rubbing it up and down my cheek afterwards.

"Being a wuss" I chuckle weakly.

"Y/n it's not you're fault" He sighs. "I'm scared of spiders"

I nod, listening to another louder crash which makes me wince and bite my lip to stop the tears from leaving my eyes. I can't take this.

"It'll be over soon" He sits me down onto his lap. "Just relax yeah?"

"Okay" I breath, feeling the heart beat beneath his chest. I close my eyes and try to focus of the pattern of Jack's breathing to steady my own.
The crashes continue but seem to move further away after a while. Eventually it all falls silent for a significant amount of time and I wearily pull away from Jack chest, looking over at the back doors. "Is it over?" I ask shakily.

"I think so" Jack's arms release from how they were previously wrapped around me securely. "You okay?"

"Y-Yeah" I sigh, thankful it's over. "Thankyou"

"No problem" He smiles. "You never told me you we're afraid of thunderstorms"

"It's embarrassing" I moan, wiping my eyes again.

"I think it's cute"

"Really?" I frown.


We gaze at each other, chuckling lightly. There's always been something about Jack I love, but I can't quite figure out why. Just the way he laughs, smiles, comforts you, everything. He's just the best person ever.

"Jack" I whisper.

"Yeah?" He mimics me by whispering too.

"I-I love yo-"

Before I can finish his lips crash onto mine and all the breath is stolen from my lungs. His lips are so soft as they caress my own and my heart races fast beneath my chest.

"I love you, Y/n"

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