Kids • Conor

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Sorry can I just say that the new #CANTH remix was fire🔥
And 40k!!! Whatttttt
Love uuuu

Conor's POV

"Josh please, it's only for a couple hours then Y/n will come pick her up" I plead down the phone, pacing around like a mad man.

Josh sighs down the phone and I instantly lose all hope. "Sorry man, I've got a really important meeting today" He explains and I inhale a nervous breath. Who's going to look after my kid now?!

"Okay...who else do you think can take her then?" I ask, now anxiously biting my nails.

"What about Joe?" He suggests.

"I'll try"

"Alright man, bye"

"Bye" I sigh and end the call, looking over at my crazy toddler rolling around on the bed. She squirms around until the sheets are in a rolled up ball on the floor. "Come on, stop now" I grab the duvet and she sits up with a pout.

"Can I stay with you daddy?" She looks at me with sad eyes. I sit down on the bed and pull her tiny body onto my lap.

"Sorry baby, I have to do some really important things and mummy is at work" I try to explain and watch her bright blue eyes fill with tears.

"Please can I stay daddy" Her bottom lip trembles and I give up. I need to be working on my new album all day but having a crazy toddler running free by herself is too hectic.

"Okay" I sigh and her face lights up. "Only if you help me though" I smile and she nods frantically, jumping off my lap. She grabs onto my hand with her tiny one and I stand up from the bed.

"Come on daddy lets go!" She giggles and pulls me out the bedroom, along the hallway and finally into my studio room.

I sit onto my office chair and pull her onto my lap, grabbing a pair of headphones and putting them over her loose curly hair. She giggles and holds onto the side of each ear as I put my own on.

"You have to tell me what you think, okay?" I explain and she nods again.

We sit in silence for a bit until I finally open up the files which hold all my new songs. "Ready?" I smile at her.

"Ready!" She grins and I press the first one, the music filling the headphones like a tsunami.

I watch happily as she stares at me with wide eyes whilst the song plays, her smile widening as the chorus comes every time.
It finally ends and as the music drops, so does her expression.

"Where did it go?" She frowns at the screen and I laugh a little.

"It's finished" I say, watching her face. "Want to hear the next one?"

"Yeah" She nods and I begin playing the next one.

"This ones about you and mummy" I shout over the music and she smiles even wider, her tiny hands holding onto the wires of the headphones. "What do you think?" I say once it's over and she stares at the screen in deep thought.

Before I can get an answer the door bell rings and I pull my headphones off, lifting Y/C/N off my lap and onto the chair by herself. "I'll be one second" I smile and walk out the room to answer the door.

3rd persons POV

As Conor goes down to see who it is at the door, Y/C/N leans up onto the desk full of crazy gizmos and toys she watches her dad use all day long, her eyes scanning the screen.

As she leans closer to read one of the words, her hands slip off the keyboard she leans on, the screen instantly turning black as she holds onto the headphone wires for balance.

With a small squeal, she watches the wires rip out the huge device, the computer monitor being pulled toward her at speed as she fall backwards off the chair. The monitor, headphones, keyboard and Y/C/N all fall onto the floor in a heap, the sound of her quiet cries filling the room.

"Y/C/N?" Conor calls from downstairs once he closes the front door from the delivery man. All he can hear is the sound of muffled cries until a loud bang comes from the studio room.

He panics and runs up the stairs, calling his toddlers name until he bursts into the room.

Conor's POV

My eyes grow massively in size as I finally make it into the room. My daughter, and nearly everything off my desk is all over the floor, including my actual monitor and one of the massive speakers.

I run over to Y/C/N as she tries holding onto the chair to stand up but her legs are wrapped in wires. She holds her hand by her mouth as she cries loudly, once again a small bang sounding as yet another thing falls onto the floor.

"I'm sorry daddy" She cries as I finally untangle her from the mess of wires, lifting her up into my arms.

"It's okay, shh" I try calming her as she wraps her arms around my neck, her body propped up onto my hip.

I look around at the room at the mess she's created, thank god the actual computer didn't fall otherwise I'll be starting my whole album from scratch.

"What did you do?" I ask and she wipes her eyes with the back of her hands.

"I s-slipped of that t-thing" She hiccups and points to the keyboard that's upside down on the floor next to a few adapters which must have fallen too. "It was an a-accident" She begins crying again and I hug her body closer.

"Thank god you didn't get crushed" I laugh dryly and look at my fallen chair and speaker which definitely would have resulted in a trip to A&E if she got caught under those. "Did you hurt anything?" I ask and take hold of one of her little hands which has a cut.

"And my head" She rubs her temple and I pout and move some hair out her face.

"Come on, let's go get you cleaned up, then you'll have to help me tidy this mess"

"O-Okay" She nods and I kiss her forehead.

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