A child is born • Conor

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This was requested by jorja22xx , I hope you enjoy it!
Also Thankyou for 800 reads! Argg love u long time
Jorja's POV
I breathed in slowly, was I going to explode?!
I was currently due to give birth to my first child in a weeks time. Something I was not looking forward to.
I slumped down into the soft sofa, sighing as I did so.

"Hey J, are you alright?" Jack asked me, looking concerned.

An uncomfortable feeling shivered through my body. My stomach began to throb with pain, as my hands begun to sweat. A small moan escaped my lips.
I'd gone into labour.

"Help Jack! Omg!" I screamed as an excruciating pain ran through my stomach.
Jack jumped up from the sofa, he looked worried sick.

"Urm, quick we need to get you to the hospital!" He shouted slowly pulling me up from the sofa. Causing me immense pain.

"Josh call Conor!" He quickly shouted, as Josh arrived in the doorway.


I breathed in heavily as Jack sat me down in the passenger seat. This was horrible. Sweating and panting, I rolled down the window to get some air.

"Conor's in the middle of his show! He won't make it!" Josh explained loudly, sitting in the back of the car

I closed my eyes, as my breathing quickened. He won't make it, to see our first child. No, he will make it, he will.
My mind battled with itself...this can't be happening.

I watched as Jack sped down the main road, shooting looks at me to see if I was alright. Josh had his hand on my shoulder, reassuring me it'll all be okay.

Eventually we arrived at the hospital. Jack and Josh struggled to get me out the car, and ran me through the doors.

"Quick, she's in labour!" Jack shouted at the receptionist. She gave him a startled look in return.

"Okay okay come this way" She explained, gesturing to the hallway.
We stumbled through the ward, until we finally got to an empty labour room.


Conor's POV
"Okay guys! How'd you like that one!?" I asked the crowd, they screamed uncontrollably in reply. I had just finished one of my new songs of my album, they were loving it.
I was having such a good time on stage, eventually it came to the half way mark of the show.

"Okay I'll see you after the break!" I shouted, as the audience whistled and screamed at me. I hopped off the stage and back into my dressing room.
I was welcomed in by the noise of my phone ringing. As I looked down at it I saw I had 8 miss calls from Josh, and he was calling me again.
I quickly answered, wondering what he wanted.

"Josh? What are you doing I'm in the middle of a show man" I asked him curiously.
He breathed quickly down the phone.

"It's Jorja..she's gone into labour! We're in the car now going to the hospital, she wants you here Conor!" He breathlessly explained.

A wave of terror hit me, causing me to stumble backwards in shock. Shit.

"Okay tell her I'll be there" I replied, before quickly hanging up the phone.

I grabbed my bag and put my phone in my back pocket.
Hurriedly, I swung open the dressing room door and run out, bumping into one of the security guards.

"Woah..Conor? What are you doing?!" He asked, staring at me in shock.

"Tell everyone I need to go, it's an emergency!" I answered anxiously, before running past him and out the fire exit.


"Come on, come on! For f*ck sake!" I shouted a the red lights at the last turning before the hospital. I can make this.
I already had 9 missed calls from my manager, 5 from George (my DJ), and a further 12 from other people on set at my show. I ignored all of them, I can't miss this.

I swung the car into an empty parking spot and grabbed a ticket. Exhaustedly, I ran to the reception desk.

"Where's Jorja?" I slammed my hand on the desk impatiently.

"Follow me sir" she spoke softy, walking down the hall. I followed her eagerly, wanting to see my girlfriend.

"Urgggg!" I heard Jorja scream as we approached her room. I ran in and sat next to her, Josh and Jack both had shocked faces.

"Conor...your here!" She stuttered in pain, I grabbed her hand kissing it gently.

Jack patted me on the back.

"Well done bro" He smiled at me.

Suddenly the quiet cries of a baby filled my ears. I looked over at her, she was beautiful. She had gorgeous blue eyes, and had messy brown hair. She was perfect.
Tears of joy escaped my eyes, as I looked over at Jorja. She was also overwhelmed with happiness.

Karli Anna Maynard was born.

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