Proposal • Conor

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Conor's POV
Today was the day. I was going to propose to Y/n. She was the love of my life and I couldn't wait to spend the rest of it with her.
I had gone over what to say a million times in my head. Nerves where luring over me as I told her we were going out tonight to a special place. I was taking her to the beach in Brighton. The exact same spot where I asked her to be my girlfriend 4 years ago.
We were currently staying at my parents house in Brighton and they already knew the plan, but all they could do was wish me luck.

"I'm ready!" Y/n shouted from the top of the stairs excitedly.

Y/n was wearing this:

I smiled at her sweetly

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I smiled at her sweetly. She was so gorgeous, how did I get so lucky?

I snapped out of my daydream as she walked down the stairs towards me.

"Lets go then my lady" I said whilst linking arms with her and walking out the door.

Y/n's POV
We strolled hand in hand along the beach. It was so beautiful. The sun was setting along the horizon and was a gorgeous red colour.
We continued walking until we came to a spot I recognised. It was the spot where Conor had asked me to be his girlfriend. We both stopped and looked at the light waves drifting up and down the beach.

"Y/n" Conor turned to me.

"Yes Conor" I said sweetly.

"Meeting you one of the most amazing things that has ever happened to me. I love you so much and I never want to lose you." He began. I felt myself starting to well up with tears of happiness.

"And I want to ask you something" he continued.

Suddenly Conor got down on one knee and pulled out a small, velvet, grey box. I gasped at the sight of the dazzling ring once he opened the box.

"Y/n, will you marry me?" He said with a cute smile on his face.
Without hesitation I nodded my head frantically and burst into tears. He slid the ring onto my shaking hand; it fit perfectly.
He then got back up on his feet and we hugged for ages.

"You want to marry me?" I cried into his neck.

"Of course I do I love you so much" He replied into my hair.

"I love you too Con bear"

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