Breakup • Jack

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Hiya guys! Thanks for all the support already on the new book, you guys are bomb x
(Short but sweet)


It's been three months since the break up and not a day goes by when I don't think of my ex-boyfriend. We'd been together for over a year and suddenly he called it off. Just like that.

"You're holding me back, Y/n"

"But, Jack-"

"It's over"

I thought he loved me but obviously not. We used to spend all day together, laughing and making amazing memories. I loved him. I still do. But there's no going back now, he doesn't love me, and heartbreak is my only occupation.

I lay down in bed, the sheets cold and unwelcoming. They used to be so warm, and Jack's arm used to wrap around my waist every night. The memories will never fade.
The rain hits down onto my window and I stare aimlessly up at the ceiling. I swear I haven't slept in weeks. I feel so worthless now. I wasn't good enough.

I roll over just as there is a loud bang on the front door. Frowning, I sit up and rub my eyes. Who the fuck is that?

I climb out of bed and traipse through the silent flat until I reach the front door. They bang again from the other side and I flinch a little before opening it.
A drunken body collapses on top of mine and I quickly grab them before they smack onto the floor.

"Jack!" I gasp.

"Y/n baby I love you so much" He slurs, holding my face. I push away from him and shake my head.

"Get out" I snap.

"Please Y/n" He approaches me again. "I'm sorry"

"Jack you broke my fucking heart, there's no going back" I choke. "Now leave, please"

"I'm sorry Y/n, I miss you so much baby please give me another chance? I fucked up" He cries. I can smell the alcohol in his breath and he stumbles over every word.

He's a mess. His blonde hair is matted and his outfit is covered in muck and spilt alcohol. He has tired eyes and looks like he is so dehydrated.

"Jack, I-I can't" I let a tear leave my eye. "We're over, remember?"

"I didn't mean it" He rushes his words. "I was so depressed and I was blind to see that you were the only thing keeping me going, once you left I realised I'd made the biggest mistake of my life" He cries. "Please Y/n"

"Jack" I sigh. "You're too drunk"

"Not drunk enough to know that I love you" He says back, taking hold of my waist and lightly pushing me up against the wall. I stare up into his blue eyes and instantly get lost. Just how it used to be. "I love you so much" More tears leave his eyes.

"I-I love you too" I whisper.

"What?" His eyes widen.

"I love yo-"

Before I can finish his lips crash onto mine.
I didn't realise how much I missed his touch until now. He's so perfect, in every way. So when he left me I was so lost. I wanted just to curl up and cry everyday, knowing I wasn't good enough for someone as special as him. But now he's back, and he's here, with me.

"Please give me another chance" He pleads once we pull from the kiss, breathless. I nod wearily and a small smile forms onto his lips before they meet mine again.


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