🤩What You Admire About Them🤩

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DETERMINATION: You have said this before, but you really did admire that Naruto never gave up on anything even when everyone is telling him to. Not only is he determined he has the ability to make everyone else just as determined as he is.


HARD-WORKING: You say this countless times to Sasuke he really does work hard towards his goal. He constantly trains to kill Itachi, to get better at his aim, and everything, in general, it seems as though once he commits to something he puts everything into it.


CALM: Kakashi is always calm which is the yin to your yang you are always flustered, easily embarrassed, and shy. Kakashi is laidback, collected, and confident which is good for you since you always seem to be tense about things, something Kakashi constantly teases you about.


SIMPLICITY: What others call lazy you see as simple and you love simple Shikamaru doesn't need to be worked up about everything he's fine with what's around him. You like being simple with him whether it's resting, watching clouds, or playing shogi.


LEADERSHIP: You have admired the way that Gaara had stepped in as Kazekage even though most of the village hated him. You feel as though he is a great leader despite his shyness and lack of communicational skills Gaara does the best job of keeping Suna safe.

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