Chapter 34

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Rachels POV

"Morning Rach," I heard a voice say as I opened my eyes slowly. The sun was shining through my window and onto my face so it was kind of hard to see, at first.

I was kind of surprised when I saw who it was. "Ty. What are you doing here?"

"I was watching you sleep."

"Well thats not creepy," I said with sarcasm. "How did you even get in here?" I asked knowing that I locked my window after he left last night.

"Rylands window," he said gesturing to the next room over which was Rys.

We sat there in silence before I spoke again. "He left it unlocked on purpose for you didnt he?"

"Yup," Ty said with a smile and a laugh. Then we sat in silence for a while.

"Ty?" I asked and he looked up at me. "What was last night all about? I mean you sneaking in my room through the window and then...the kiss."

"Well...I thought that maybe...maybe we could give it a go again."

I smiled. That was all I wanted in the world. To be with Ty again. "Ty...Remember what happened last time we were together? We broke up and that ruined our friendship for a while. I just dont want that to happen again."

He let out a sigh then nodded. "Right." We sat there for a while until he spoke. "I gotta go. Alison is supposed to be coming home for the week. And you know 'family time'," he said doing the quote thing with his fingers.

"Bye," I said with a little smile and then he left.

Three weeks later

It's the day of Ashley and Rikers wedding. All us bridesmaids, Rydel, Alison, Kelsie, and I were all in the room helping Ashley get ready. Kelly was there too helping Charlotte, who was the flowergirl. Kelly was supposed to be a bridesmaid instead of Alison but she said shed rather not because she was due anytime now. 

"Im so nervous," Ashley said frantically looking through her makeup bag.

"Youre going to do just fine Ash," Rydel said comforting her.

"Yeah. Its going to be ok," Kelly chimed in. "I was the same way for mine and Ellingtons wedding."

 There was a knock on the door and Ross came in. 

"Ross what are you doing? You cant come in here," Rydel said trying to push him back out the door. 

"Aw. I just wanted to see if my princess was ready yet," he said looking at Charlotte with a smile.

"Daddy!" Charlotte yelled running from Kelly to Ross and hugging him. I thought it was cute how Char refers to both Riker and Ross as her  "daddy." 

"Hey there beautiful," Ross said kneeling down to hug her back.

"Are you done with her Kelly?" Rydel asked her.

"I think so," Kelly said with a nod.

Rydel turned back to Ross. "Well she was supposed to stay in here until the wedding started but since Im a nice big sister I'll let you take her," she told him as Ross and Char headed out the door. "Make sure she doesnt get her dress dirty."

Five minutes before the wedding started we were all lined up in the hallway, waiting to walk in. Rydel was the maid of honor and Rocky was the best man so they walked in together, first. followed by me and Ellington. Then Alison and Ross, Kelsie and Ryland, and lastly Blair and Ty. Once we were all standing in the front, along with Riker, Charlotte walked in trying to sprinkle her flowers. Then the music started and Ashley walked in with her dad. Once Ashley made it to the rest of us she hugged her dad then looked at Riker and smiled. They were so cute together. 

Later on during the wedding the pastor was saying something about how couples need to have trust in each other. I looked at all the people that were there. Mom and dad were holding Chase and Chealsey. Mom was crying and dad had tears in his eyes. Kelly was standing next to them, smiling. The rest of the family was sitting behind them and Ashleys family was sitting on the other side of the isle. I didnt know any of them except her dad. 

"You may now kiss the bride," I heard the pastor say. While they were kissing a few people cheered in the crowd. 

at the wedding reception

All of us in the wedding party, plus Kelly, were sitting at the head table. I was sitting between Kelly and Kelsie. Ashley and her dad had just finished the father daughter dance. Riker and mom were now dancing. 

"Aw. Thats adorable," Kelsie said next to me. She was talking about Riker and mom.

"I know," I said with a smile. 

Somebody was hitting their spoon against their wine glass. I turned around to find Rydel standing up. "Um, hey," she said with a smile and a wave. "Im Rydel, sister of the groom, for those of you that didnt know. I just wanted to say that Riker, youre my best friend and my best big brother. Youve always been so passionate about the things you do so I hope that you continue that throughout your life. Ever since we were little youve always taken care of me but now its time for you to be taking care of someone else...Well I guess four someone elses. And Ashley," she said turning in her direction. "In the short amount of time that Ive known you, for the past five years youve been like another sister to me. Im so glad that you joined this chaotic family," after she said that there were some giggles around the room. "Take care of my big brother...To Riker and Ashley!" she yelled and people raised their glasses.

Then Rocky stood up to give his toast. In the middle of Rockys speech I felt a pat on my arm. I turned to see Kelly looking at me and Rydel with a scared look. "I think the baby's coming."



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